Source code for straditize.widgets.colnames

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Widget for handling column names


Copyright (C) 2018-2019  Philipp S. Sommer

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>."""
import numpy as np
import os
from straditize.widgets import StraditizerControlBase
from straditize.widgets.pattern_selection import EmbededMplCanvas
from straditize.common import docstrings
from psyplot_gui.common import DockMixin
from psyplot.utils import _temp_bool_prop
from matplotlib.backend_bases import NavigationToolbar2
from matplotlib.widgets import RectangleSelector

from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtGui
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt

[docs]class DummyNavigationToolbar2(NavigationToolbar2): """Reimplemented NavigationToolbar2 just to add an _init_toolbar method""" def _init_toolbar(self): pass
[docs] def set_cursor(self, cursor): from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5 import cursord self.canvas.setCursor(cursord[cursor])
[docs]class ColumnNamesManager(StraditizerControlBase, DockMixin, QtWidgets.QSplitter): """Manage the column names of the reader""" refreshing = _temp_bool_prop( 'refreshing', doc="True if the widget is refreshing") #: The matplotlib image of the #: :attr:`straditize.colnames.ColNamesReader.rotated_image` im_rotated = None #: The rectangle to highlight a column (see :meth:`highlight_selected_col`) rect = None #: The canvas to display the :attr:`im_rotated` main_canvas = None #: The :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` to display the :attr:`im_rotated` main_ax = None #: The original width of the :attr:`main_canvas` fig_w = None #: The original height of the :attr:`main_canvas` fig_h = None #: The matplotlib image of the :attr:`colpic` colpic_im = None #: The canvas to display the :attr:`colpic_im` colpic_canvas = None #: The :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` to display the :attr:`colpic_im` colpic_ax = None #: The extents of the :attr:`colpic` in the :attr:`im_rotated` colpic_extents = None #: A QTableWidget to display the column names colnames_table = None #: The :class:`matplotlib.widgets.RectangleSelector` to select the #: :attr:`colpic` selector = None #: The :class:`PIL.Image.Image` of the column name (see also #: :attr:`straditize.colnames.ColNamesReader.colpics`) colpic = None #: A QPushButton to load the highres image btn_load_image = None #: A QPushButton to find column names in the visible part of the #: :attr:`im_rotated` btn_find = None #: A QPushButton to recognize text in the :attr:`colpic` btn_recognize = None #: A checkable QPushButton to initialize a :attr:`selector` to select the #: :attr:`colpic` btn_select_colpic = None #: The QPushButton in the :class:`straditize.widgets.StraditizerWidgets` #: to toggle the column names dialog btn_select_names = None #: A QCheckBox to find the column names (see :attr:`btn_find`) for all #: columns and not just the one selected in the :attr:`colnames_table` cb_find_all_cols = None #: A QCheckBox to ignore the part within the #: :attr:`straditize.colnames.ColNamesReader.data_ylim` cb_ignore_data_part = None #: A QLineEdit to set the :attr:`straditize.colnames.ColNamesReader.rotate` txt_rotate = None #: A QCheckBox to set the :attr:`straditize.colnames.ColNamesReader.mirror` cb_fliph = None #: A QCheckBox to set the :attr:`straditize.colnames.ColNamesReader.flip` cb_flipv = None NAVIGATION_LABEL = ("Use left-click of your mouse to move the image below " "and right-click to zoom in and out.") SELECT_LABEL = "Left-click and hold on the image to select the column name" @property def current_col(self): """The currently selected column""" indexes = self.colnames_table.selectedIndexes() if len(indexes): return indexes[0].row() @property def colnames_reader(self): """The :attr:`straditize.straditizer.Straditizer.colnames_reader` of the current straditizer""" return self.straditizer.colnames_reader @docstrings.dedent def __init__(self, straditizer_widgets, item=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- %(StraditizerControlBase.init_straditizercontrol.parameters)s """ # Create the button for the straditizer_widgets tree self.btn_select_names = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Edit column names') self.btn_select_names.setCheckable(True) self.btn_select_colpic = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Select column name') self.btn_select_colpic.setCheckable(True) self.btn_select_colpic.setEnabled(False) self.btn_cancel_colpic_selection = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Cancel') self.btn_cancel_colpic_selection.setVisible(False) self.btn_load_image = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Load HR image') self.btn_load_image.setToolTip( 'Select a version of this image with a higher resolution to ' 'improve the text recognition') self.btn_load_image.setCheckable(True) self.btn_recognize = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Recognize') self.btn_recognize.setToolTip('Use tesserocr to recognize the column ' 'name in the given image') self.btn_find = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Find column names') self.btn_find.setToolTip( 'Find the columns names automatically in the image above using ' 'tesserocr') self.cb_find_all_cols = QtWidgets.QCheckBox( "all columns") self.cb_find_all_cols.setToolTip( "Find the column names in all columns or only in the selected one") self.cb_find_all_cols.setChecked(True) self.cb_ignore_data_part = QtWidgets.QCheckBox("ignore data part") self.cb_ignore_data_part.setToolTip("ignore everything from the top " "to the bottom of the data part") super().__init__(Qt.Horizontal) # centers of the image self.xc = self.yc = None self.txt_rotate = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() self.txt_rotate.setValidator(QtGui.QDoubleValidator(0., 90., 3)) self.txt_rotate.setPlaceholderText('0˚..90˚') self.cb_fliph = QtWidgets.QCheckBox('Flip horizontally') self.cb_flipv = QtWidgets.QCheckBox('Flip vertically') self.info_label = QtWidgets.QLabel() self.info_label.setWordWrap(True) self.info_label.setStyleSheet('border: 1px solid black') self.main_canvas = EmbededMplCanvas() self.main_ax = self.main_canvas.figure.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) self.main_toolbar = DummyNavigationToolbar2(self.main_canvas) self.main_toolbar.pan() left_widget = QtWidgets.QWidget() layout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() layout.addRow(self.btn_load_image) layout.addRow(QtWidgets.QLabel('Rotate:'), self.txt_rotate) layout.addRow(self.cb_fliph) layout.addRow(self.cb_flipv) layout.addRow(self.cb_ignore_data_part) layout.addRow(self.info_label) layout.addRow(self.main_canvas) hbox = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() hbox.addWidget(self.btn_select_colpic) hbox.addWidget(self.btn_cancel_colpic_selection) layout.addRow(hbox) hbox = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() hbox.addWidget(self.btn_find) hbox.addWidget(self.cb_find_all_cols) layout.addRow(hbox) left_widget.setLayout(layout) self.colpic_canvas = EmbededMplCanvas() self.colpic_ax = self.colpic_canvas.figure.add_subplot(111) self.colpic_ax.axis("off") self.colpic_ax.margins(0) self.colpic_canvas.figure.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.3) self.colnames_table = QtWidgets.QTableWidget() self.colnames_table.setColumnCount(1) self.colnames_table.horizontalHeader().setHidden(True) self.colnames_table.setSelectionMode( QtWidgets.QTableView.SingleSelection) self.colnames_table.horizontalHeader().setSectionResizeMode( QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Stretch) self.vsplit = QtWidgets.QSplitter(Qt.Vertical) self.addWidget(left_widget) self.addWidget(self.vsplit) self.vsplit.addWidget(self.colnames_table) w = QtWidgets.QWidget() vbox = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(self.colpic_canvas) vbox.addWidget(self.btn_recognize) w.setLayout(vbox) self.vsplit.addWidget(w) self.init_straditizercontrol(straditizer_widgets, item) self.widgets2disable = [self.btn_select_names, self.btn_find, self.btn_load_image, self.btn_select_colpic] self.btn_select_names.clicked.connect(self.toggle_dialog) self.btn_select_colpic.clicked.connect(self.toggle_colpic_selection) self.btn_cancel_colpic_selection.clicked.connect( self.cancel_colpic_selection) self.txt_rotate.textChanged.connect(self.rotate) self.cb_fliph.stateChanged.connect(self.mirror) self.cb_flipv.stateChanged.connect(self.flip) self.colnames_table.itemSelectionChanged.connect( self.highlight_selected_col) self.colnames_table.cellChanged.connect(self.colname_changed) self.main_canvas.mpl_connect('resize_event', self.adjust_lims_after_resize) self.btn_load_image.clicked.connect(self.load_image) self.btn_recognize.clicked.connect(self.read_colpic) self.btn_find.clicked.connect(self._find_colnames) self.cb_find_all_cols.stateChanged.connect( self.enable_or_disable_btn_find) self.cb_ignore_data_part.stateChanged.connect( self.change_ignore_data_part)
[docs] def colname_changed(self, row, column): """Update the column name in the :attr:`colnames_reader` This method is called when a cell in the :attr:`colnames_table` has been changed and updates the corresponding name in the :attr:`colnames_reader` Parameters ---------- row: int The row of the cell in the :attr:`colnames_table` that changed column: int The column of the cell in the :attr:`colnames_table` that changed """ self.colnames_reader._column_names[row] = self.colnames_table.item( row, column).text()
[docs] def read_colpic(self): """Recognize the text in the :attr:`colpic` See Also -------- straditize.colnames.ColNamesReader.recognize_text""" text = self.colnames_reader.recognize_text(self.colpic) self.colnames_table.item(self.current_col, 0).setText(text) self.colnames_reader._column_names[self.current_col] = text return text
[docs] def load_image(self): """Load a high resolution image""" if self.btn_load_image.isChecked(): fname = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self.straditizer_widgets, 'Straditizer project', self.straditizer_widgets.menu_actions._start_directory, 'Projects and images ' '(*.nc *.nc4 *.pkl *.jpeg *.jpg *.pdf *.png *.raw *.rgba *.tif' ' *.tiff);;' 'NetCDF files (*.nc *.nc4);;' 'Pickle files (*.pkl);;' 'All images ' '(*.jpeg *.jpg *.pdf *.png *.raw *.rgba *.tif *.tiff);;' 'Joint Photographic Experts Group (*.jpeg *.jpg);;' 'Portable Document Format (*.pdf);;' 'Portable Network Graphics (*.png);;' 'Raw RGBA bitmap (*.raw *.rbga);;' 'Tagged Image File Format(*.tif *.tiff);;' 'All files (*)' ) fname = fname[0] if fname: from PIL import Image with as _image: image = Image.fromarray(np.array(_image.convert('RGBA')), 'RGBA') self.colnames_reader.highres_image = image else: self.colnames_reader.highres_image = None self.refresh()
[docs] def cancel_colpic_selection(self): """Stop the colpic selection in the :attr:`im_rotated`""" self.colnames_reader._colpics = self._colpics_save if self.current_col is not None: self.colpic = self.colnames_reader.colpics[self.current_col] self.btn_select_colpic.setChecked(False) self.toggle_colpic_selection()
[docs] def toggle_colpic_selection(self): """Enable or disable the colpic selection""" if (not self.btn_select_colpic.isChecked() and self.selector is not None): self.remove_selector() self.btn_select_colpic.setText('Select column name') if self.current_col is not None: self.colnames_reader._colpics[self.current_col] = self.colpic if self.colpic is None and self.colpic_im is not None: self.colpic_im.remove() del self.colpic_im self.colpic_canvas.draw() self.btn_cancel_colpic_selection.setVisible(False) self.main_canvas.toolbar.pan() self._colpics_save.clear() self.info_label.setText(self.NAVIGATION_LABEL) else: self.create_selector() self.btn_select_colpic.setText('Cancel') self.info_label.setText(self.SELECT_LABEL) self.main_canvas.toolbar.pan() self._colpics_save = list(self.colnames_reader.colpics) self.cb_find_all_cols.setChecked(False) self.main_canvas.draw()
[docs] def remove_selector(self): """Remove and disconnect the :attr:`selector`""" self.selector.disconnect_events() for a in self.selector.artists: try: a.remove() except ValueError: pass self.main_canvas.draw() del self.selector self.main_canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.key_press_cid)
[docs] def reset_control(self): """Reset the dialog""" if self.is_shown: self.hide_plugin() self.btn_select_names.setChecked(False) self.remove_images() self.cb_find_all_cols.setChecked(False) self.btn_select_colpic.setChecked(False) self.btn_cancel_colpic_selection.setVisible(False) if self.selector is not None: self.remove_selector() self.cb_fliph.setChecked(False) self.cb_flipv.setChecked(False) self.txt_rotate.blockSignals(True) self.txt_rotate.setText('0') self.txt_rotate.blockSignals(False)
[docs] def create_selector(self): """Create the :attr:`selector` to enable :attr:`colpic` selection""" self.selector = RectangleSelector( self.main_ax, self.update_image, interactive=True) if self.colpic_extents is not None: self.selector.extents = self.colpic_extents self.key_press_cid = self.main_canvas.mpl_connect( 'key_press_event', self.update_image)
[docs] def plot_colpic(self): """Plot the :attr:`colpic` in the :attr:`colpic_ax`""" try: self.colpic_im.remove() except (AttributeError, ValueError): pass self.colpic_im = self.colpic_ax.imshow(self.colpic) self.colpic_canvas.draw()
[docs] def update_image(self, *args, **kwargs): """Update the :attr:`colpic` with the extents of the :attr:`selector` ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` are ignored """ self.colpic_extents = np.round(self.selector.extents).astype(int) x, y = self.colpic_extents.reshape((2, 2)) x0, x1 = sorted(x) y0, y1 = sorted(y) self.colpic = self.colnames_reader._colpics[self.current_col] = \ self.colnames_reader.get_colpic(x0, y0, x1, y1) self.plot_colpic() self.btn_select_colpic.setText('Apply') self.btn_cancel_colpic_selection.setVisible(True) self.btn_recognize.setEnabled( self.should_be_enabled(self.btn_recognize))
[docs] def highlight_selected_col(self): """Highlight the column selected in the :attr:`colnames_tables` See Also -------- straditize.colnames.ColNamesReader.highlight_column""" draw = False if self.rect is not None: self.rect.remove() draw = True del self.rect col = self.current_col if col is not None: reader = self.straditizer.colnames_reader self.rect = reader.highlight_column(col, self.main_ax) reader.navigate_to_col(col, self.main_ax) self.btn_select_colpic.setEnabled(True) if self.colpic_im is not None: self.colpic_im.remove() del self.colpic_im self.colpic = colpic = self.colnames_reader.colpics[col] if colpic is not None: self.colpic_im = self.colpic_ax.imshow(colpic) self.colpic_canvas.draw() self.btn_recognize.setEnabled( self.should_be_enabled(self.btn_recognize)) draw = True else: self.btn_select_colpic.setEnabled(False) if draw: self.main_canvas.draw() self.enable_or_disable_btn_find()
[docs] def enable_or_disable_btn_find(self, *args, **kwargs): self.btn_find.setEnabled(self.should_be_enabled(self.btn_find))
[docs] def setup_children(self, item): child = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem(0) item.addChild(child) self.straditizer_widgets.tree.setItemWidget( child, 0, self.btn_select_names)
[docs] def should_be_enabled(self, w): ret = self.straditizer is not None and getattr( self.straditizer.data_reader, '_column_starts', None) is not None if ret and w is self.btn_find: from straditize.colnames import tesserocr ret = tesserocr is not None and ( self.cb_find_all_cols.isChecked() or self.current_col is not None) elif ret and w is self.btn_recognize: from straditize.colnames import tesserocr ret = tesserocr is not None and self.colpic is not None return ret
[docs] def toggle_dialog(self): """Close the dialog when the :attr:`btn_select_names` button is clicked """ from psyplot_gui.main import mainwindow if not self.refreshing: if not self.btn_select_names.isChecked() or ( self.dock is not None and self.is_shown): self.hide_plugin() if self.btn_select_colpic.isChecked(): self.btn_select_colpic.setChecked(False) self.toggle_colpic_selection() elif self.btn_select_names.isEnabled(): self.straditizer_widgets.tree.itemWidget( self.straditizer_widgets.col_names_item, 1).show_docs() self.to_dock(mainwindow, 'Straditizer column names') self.info_label.setText(self.NAVIGATION_LABEL) self.show_plugin() self.dock.raise_() self.widget(0).layout().update() self.refresh()
def _maybe_check_btn_select_names(self): if self.dock is None: return self.btn_select_names.blockSignals(True) self.btn_select_names.setChecked( self.dock.toggleViewAction().isChecked()) self.btn_select_names.blockSignals(False)
[docs] def refresh(self): with self.refreshing: super().refresh() self.btn_select_names.setChecked( self.btn_select_names.isEnabled() and self.dock is not None and self.is_shown) if self.btn_select_names.isEnabled(): names = self.straditizer.colnames_reader.column_names self.colnames_table.setRowCount(len(names)) for i, name in enumerate(names): self.colnames_table.setItem( i, 0, QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(name)) self.colnames_table.setVerticalHeaderLabels( list(map(str, range(len(names))))) self.replot_figure() reader = self.colnames_reader self.txt_rotate.setText(str(reader.rotate)) self.cb_fliph.setChecked(reader.mirror) self.cb_flipv.setChecked(reader.flip) self.cb_ignore_data_part.setChecked(reader.ignore_data_part) image = reader._highres_image if image is reader.image: image = None if image is not None: self.btn_load_image.setText( 'HR image with size {}'.format(image.size)) self.btn_load_image.setToolTip( 'Remove and ignore the high resolution image') checked = True else: self.btn_load_image.setText('Load HR image') self.btn_load_image.setToolTip( 'Select a version of this image with a higher resolution ' 'to improve the text recognition') checked = False self.btn_load_image.blockSignals(True) self.btn_load_image.setChecked(checked) self.btn_load_image.blockSignals(False) self.btn_recognize.setEnabled( self.should_be_enabled(self.btn_recognize)) else: self.colnames_table.setRowCount(0) self.remove_images()
[docs] def remove_images(self): """Remove the :attr:`im_rotated` and the :attr:`colpic_im`""" try: self.im_rotated.remove() except (AttributeError, ValueError): pass try: self.colpic_im.remove() except (AttributeError, ValueError): pass self.im_rotated = self.colpic_im = self.xc = self.yc = None
[docs] def set_xc_yc(self): """Set the x- and y-center before rotating or flipping""" xc = np.mean(self.main_ax.get_xlim()) yc = np.mean(self.main_ax.get_ylim()) self.xc, self.yc = self.colnames_reader.transform_point(xc, yc, True)
[docs] def flip(self, checked): """TFlip the image""" self.set_xc_yc() self.colnames_reader.flip = checked == Qt.Checked self.replot_figure()
[docs] def mirror(self, checked): """Mirror the image""" self.set_xc_yc() self.colnames_reader.mirror = checked == Qt.Checked self.replot_figure()
[docs] def change_ignore_data_part(self, checked): """Change :attr:`straditize.colnames.ColNamesReader.ignore_data_part` """ self.colnames_reader.ignore_data_part = checked == Qt.Checked
[docs] def rotate(self, val): """Rotate the image Parameters ---------- float The angle for the rotation""" if not str(val).strip(): return try: val = float(val) except (ValueError, TypeError): val = 0 self.set_xc_yc() self.colnames_reader.rotate = val self.replot_figure()
[docs] def replot_figure(self): """Remove and replot the :attr:`im_rotated`""" adjust_lims = self.im_rotated is None ax = self.main_ax if not self.is_shown: return elif self.im_rotated: rotated = self.straditizer.colnames_reader.rotated_image if np.all(self.im_rotated.get_array() == np.asarray(rotated)): return else: try: self.im_rotated.remove() except ValueError: pass else: rotated = self.straditizer.colnames_reader.rotated_image self.im_rotated = ax.imshow(rotated) if self.xc is not None: dx = np.diff(ax.get_xlim()) / 2. dy = np.diff(ax.get_ylim()) / 2. xc, yc = self.colnames_reader.transform_point(self.xc, self.yc) ax.set_xlim(xc - dx, xc + dx) ax.set_ylim(yc - dy, yc + dy) self.highlight_selected_col() self.xc = self.yc = None if adjust_lims: self.adjust_lims()
[docs] def adjust_lims(self): """Adjust the limits of the :attr:`main_ax` to fill the entire figure """ size = xs, ys = np.array(self.im_rotated.get_size()) ax = self.main_ax figw, figh = ax.figure.get_figwidth(), ax.figure.get_figheight() woh = figw / figh # width over height how = figh / figw # height over width limits = np.array([[xs, xs * how], [xs * woh, xs], [ys, ys * how], [ys * woh, ys]]) x, y = min(filter(lambda a: (a >= size).all(), limits), key=lambda a: (a - size).max()) ax.set_xlim(0, x) ax.set_ylim(y, 0) ax.axis('off') ax.margins(0) ax.set_position([0, 0, 1, 1])
[docs] def to_dock(self, main, title=None, position=None, *args, **kwargs): if position is None: if main.centralWidget() is not main.help_explorer: position = main.dockWidgetArea(main.help_explorer.dock) else: position = Qt.RightDockWidgetArea connect = self.dock is None ret = super(ColumnNamesManager, self).to_dock( main, title, position, *args, **kwargs) if connect: action = self.dock.toggleViewAction() action.triggered.connect(self.maybe_tabify) action.triggered.connect(self._maybe_check_btn_select_names) return ret
[docs] def maybe_tabify(self): main = self.dock.parent() if self.is_shown and main.dockWidgetArea( main.help_explorer.dock) == main.dockWidgetArea(self.dock): main.tabifyDockWidget(main.help_explorer.dock, self.dock)
[docs] def adjust_lims_after_resize(self, event): """Adjust the limits of the :attr:`main_ax` after resize of the figure """ h = event.height w = event.width if self.fig_w is None: self.fig_w = w self.fig_h = h self.adjust_lims() return ax = self.main_ax dx = np.diff(ax.get_xlim())[0] dy = np.diff(ax.get_ylim())[0] new_dx = dx * w/self.fig_w new_dy = dy * h/self.fig_h xc = np.mean(ax.get_xlim()) yc = np.mean(ax.get_ylim()) ax.set_xlim(xc - new_dx/2, xc + new_dx/2) ax.set_ylim(yc-new_dy/2, yc+new_dy/2) self.fig_w = w self.fig_h = h
def _find_colnames(self): return self.find_colnames()
[docs] def find_colnames(self, warn=True, full_image=False, all_cols=None): """Find the column names automatically See Also -------- straditize.colnames.ColNamesReader.find_colnames""" ys, xs = self.im_rotated.get_size() x0, x1 = self.main_ax.get_xlim() if not full_image else (0, xs) y0, y1 = sorted(self.main_ax.get_ylim()) if not full_image else (0, ys) x0 = max(x0, 0) y0 = max(y0, 0) x1 = min(x1, xs) y1 = min(y1, ys) reader = self.colnames_reader texts, images, boxes = reader.find_colnames( [x0, y0, x1, y1]) # make sure we have the exact length reader.column_names reader.colpics all_cols = all_cols or (all_cols is None and self.cb_find_all_cols.isChecked()) if not all_cols and self.current_col not in texts: if self.current_col is not None: msg = ("Could not find a column name of column %i in the " "selected image!" % self.current_col) if warn: QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning( self.straditizer_widgets, 'Could not find column name', msg) return msg elif not texts: msg = "Could not find any column name in the selected image!" if warn: QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning( self.straditizer_widgets, 'Could not find column name', msg) return msg elif not all_cols: texts = {self.current_col: texts[self.current_col]} for col, text in texts.items(): self.colnames_table.setItem(col, 0, QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(text)) self.colnames_reader._colpics[col] = images[col] if self.current_col is not None: self.colpic = self.colnames_reader._colpics[self.current_col] if self.selector is not None: box = boxes[self.current_col] self.colpic_extents = np.round(box.extents).astype(int) self.remove_selector() self.create_selector() self.main_canvas.draw() self.plot_colpic()