Source code for straditize.widgets.marker_control

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""A widget for controlling the appearance of markers

This module defines the :class:`MarkerControl` to control the appearance and
behaviour of :class:`~straditize.cross_mark.CrossMarks` instances in the
:attr:`straditize.straditizer.Straditizer.marks` attribute


Copyright (C) 2018-2019  Philipp S. Sommer

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from itertools import chain
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.colors as mcol
from straditize.widgets import StraditizerControlBase, get_icon
from straditize.common import docstrings
from psyplot_gui.compat.qtcompat import (
    QWidget, QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, QLabel, QCheckBox,
    QComboBox, QLineEdit, QDoubleValidator, QtGui, QTableWidget,
    QTableWidgetItem, Qt, with_qt5, QtCore, QGridLayout, QToolBar, QIcon)

if with_qt5:
    from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QHeaderView, QColorDialog
    from PyQt4.QtGui import QHeaderView, QColorDialog

[docs]class ColorLabel(QTableWidget): """A QTableWidget with one cell and no headers to just display a color""" #: a signal that is emitted with an rgba color if the chosen color changes color_changed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(QtGui.QColor) #: QtCore.QColor. The current color that is displayed color = None def __init__(self, color='w', *args, **kwargs): """The color to display Parameters ---------- color: object Either a QtGui.QColor object or a color that can be converted to RGBA using the :func:`matplotlib.colors.to_rgba` function""" super(ColorLabel, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.setColumnCount(1) self.setRowCount(1) self.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.horizontalHeader().setHidden(True) self.horizontalHeader().setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView.Stretch) self.verticalHeader().setHidden(True) self.verticalHeader().setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView.Stretch) self.setEditTriggers(QTableWidget.NoEditTriggers) self.setSelectionMode(QTableWidget.NoSelection) self.itemClicked.connect(self.select_color) self.color_item = QTableWidgetItem() self.setItem(0, 0, self.color_item) self.adjust_height() self.set_color(color)
[docs] def select_color(self, *args): """Select a color using :meth:`PyQt5.QtWidgets.QColorDialog.getColor` """ self.set_color(QColorDialog.getColor( self.color_item.background().color()))
[docs] def set_color(self, color): """Set the color of the label This method sets the given `color` as background color for the cell and emits the :attr:`color_changed` signal Parameters ---------- color: object Either a QtGui.QColor object or a color that can be converted to RGBA using the :func:`matplotlib.colors.to_rgba` function""" color = self._set_color(color) self.color_changed.emit(color)
def _set_color(self, color): if not isinstance(color, QtGui.QColor): color = QtGui.QColor( *map(int, np.round(mcol.to_rgba(color)) * 255)) self.color_item.setBackground(color) self.color = color return color
[docs] def adjust_height(self): """Adjust the height to match the row height""" h = self.rowHeight(0) * self.rowCount() self.setMaximumHeight(h) self.setMinimumHeight(h)
[docs] def sizeHint(self): """Reimplemented to use the rowHeight as height""" s = super(ColorLabel, self).sizeHint() return QtCore.QSize(s.width(), self.rowHeight(0) * self.rowCount())
[docs]class MarkerControl(StraditizerControlBase, QWidget): """Widget to control the appearance of the marks This widget controls the appearance of the :class:`straditize.cross_mark.CrossMarks` instances in the :attr:`~straditize.straditizer.Straditizer.marks` attribute of the :attr:`~straditize.widgets.StraditizerControlBase.straditizer`""" _toolbar = None @property def marks(self): """The :class:`~straditize.cross_mark.CrossMarks` of the straditizer """ return chain(self.straditizer.marks, self.straditizer.magni_marks) @docstrings.dedent def __init__(self, straditizer_widgets, item, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- %(StraditizerControlBase.init_straditizercontrol.parameters)s """ super(MarkerControl, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.init_straditizercontrol(straditizer_widgets, item) vbox = QVBoxLayout() # auto hide button box_hide = QGridLayout() self.cb_auto_hide = QCheckBox('Auto-hide') self.cb_show_connected = QCheckBox('Show additionals') self.cb_drag_hline = QCheckBox('Drag in y-direction') self.cb_drag_vline = QCheckBox('Drag in x-direction') self.cb_selectable_hline = QCheckBox('Horizontal lines selectable') self.cb_selectable_vline = QCheckBox('Vertical lines selectable') self.cb_show_hlines = QCheckBox('Show horizontal lines') self.cb_show_vlines = QCheckBox('Show vertical lines') box_hide.addWidget(self.cb_auto_hide, 0, 0) box_hide.addWidget(self.cb_show_connected, 0, 1) box_hide.addWidget(self.cb_show_vlines, 1, 0) box_hide.addWidget(self.cb_show_hlines, 1, 1) box_hide.addWidget(self.cb_drag_hline, 2, 0) box_hide.addWidget(self.cb_drag_vline, 2, 1) box_hide.addWidget(self.cb_selectable_hline, 3, 0) box_hide.addWidget(self.cb_selectable_vline, 3, 1) vbox.addLayout(box_hide) style_box = QGridLayout() style_box.addWidget(QLabel('Unselected:'), 0, 1) selected_label = QLabel('Selected:') style_box.addWidget(selected_label, 0, 2) max_width = selected_label.sizeHint().width() # line color self.lbl_color_select = ColorLabel() self.lbl_color_unselect = ColorLabel() self.lbl_color_select.setMaximumWidth(max_width) self.lbl_color_unselect.setMaximumWidth(max_width) style_box.addWidget(QLabel('Line color:'), 1, 0) style_box.addWidget(self.lbl_color_unselect, 1, 1) style_box.addWidget(self.lbl_color_select, 1, 2) # line width self.txt_line_width = QLineEdit() self.txt_line_width_select = QLineEdit() validator = QDoubleValidator() validator.setBottom(0) self.txt_line_width.setValidator(validator) self.txt_line_width_select.setValidator(validator) style_box.addWidget(QLabel('Line width:'), 2, 0) style_box.addWidget(self.txt_line_width, 2, 1) style_box.addWidget(self.txt_line_width_select, 2, 2) vbox.addLayout(style_box) # line style hbox_line_style = QHBoxLayout() hbox_line_style.addWidget(QLabel('Line style')) self.combo_line_style = QComboBox() hbox_line_style.addWidget(self.combo_line_style) vbox.addLayout(hbox_line_style) self.fill_linestyles() self.combo_line_style.setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox.AdjustToContents) # marker style hbox_marker_style = QHBoxLayout() hbox_marker_style.addWidget(QLabel('Marker size')) self.txt_marker_size = QLineEdit() self.txt_marker_size.setMinimumWidth(40) self.txt_marker_size.setText(str(mpl.rcParams['lines.markersize'])) validator = QDoubleValidator() validator.setBottom(0) self.txt_marker_size.setValidator(validator) hbox_marker_style.addWidget(self.txt_marker_size) hbox_marker_style.addWidget(QLabel('Marker style')) self.combo_marker_style = QComboBox() hbox_marker_style.addWidget(self.combo_marker_style) vbox.addLayout(hbox_marker_style) self.setLayout(vbox) self.widgets2disable = [ self.lbl_color_select, self.lbl_color_unselect, self.cb_auto_hide, self.txt_line_width, self.txt_line_width_select, self.combo_line_style, self.cb_show_connected, self.txt_marker_size, self.combo_marker_style, self.cb_drag_vline, self.cb_drag_hline, self.cb_selectable_vline, self.cb_selectable_hline, self.cb_show_hlines, self.cb_show_vlines] self.fill_markerstyles() self.tb_actions = [] # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------- connections ---------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.lbl_color_select.color_changed.connect(self.change_select_colors) self.lbl_color_unselect.color_changed.connect( self.change_unselect_colors) self.txt_line_width.textChanged.connect(self.change_line_widths) self.txt_line_width_select.textChanged.connect( self.change_selection_line_widths) self.cb_auto_hide.stateChanged.connect(self.change_auto_hide) self.combo_marker_style.currentIndexChanged.connect( self.change_marker_style) self.combo_line_style.currentIndexChanged.connect( self.change_line_style) self.txt_marker_size.textChanged.connect(self.change_marker_size) self.cb_show_connected.stateChanged.connect( self.change_show_connected_artists) self.cb_drag_hline.stateChanged.connect(self.change_hline_draggable) self.cb_drag_vline.stateChanged.connect(self.change_vline_draggable) self.cb_selectable_hline.stateChanged.connect( self.change_hline_selectable) self.cb_selectable_vline.stateChanged.connect( self.change_vline_selectable) self.cb_show_vlines.stateChanged.connect(self.change_show_vlines) self.cb_show_hlines.stateChanged.connect(self.change_show_hlines)
[docs] def draw_figs(self): """Draw the figures of the :attr:`marks`""" for canvas in {m.fig.canvas for m in self.marks}: canvas.draw_idle()
[docs] def fill_linestyles(self): """Fill the :attr:`combo_line_style` combobox""" self.line_styles = [ ('-', 'solid'), ('--', 'dashed'), ('-.', 'dashdot'), (':', 'dotted'), ('None', None, '', ' ') ] self.combo_line_style.addItems([t[0] for t in self.line_styles])
[docs] def fill_markerstyles(self): """Fill the :attr:`combo_marker_style` combobox""" self.marker_styles = [ ('point', (".", )), ('pixel', (",", )), ('circle', ("o", )), ('triangle down', ("v", "1")), ('triangle up', ("^", "2")), ('triangle left', ("<", "3")), ('triangle right', (">", "4")), ('octagon', ("8", )), ('square', ("s", )), ('pentagon', ("p", )), ('plus (filled)', ("P", )), ('star', ("*", )), ('hexagon1', ("h", )), ('hexagon2', ("H", )), ('plus', ("+", )), ('x', ("x", )), ('x (filled)', ("X", )), ('diamond', ("D", )), ('thin diamond', ("d", )), ('vline', ("|", )), ('hline', ("_", )), ('no marker', ('None', None, '', ' ')) ] self.combo_marker_style.addItems([ '%s (%s)' % (key.capitalize(), ','.join(map(str, filter(None, t)))) for key, t in self.marker_styles])
[docs] def set_marker_item(self, marker): """Switch the :attr:`combo_marker_style` to the given `marker` Parameters ---------- marker: str A matplotlib marker string""" for i, (key, t) in enumerate(self.marker_styles): if marker in t: block = self.combo_marker_style.blockSignals(True) self.combo_marker_style.setCurrentIndex(i) self.combo_marker_style.blockSignals(block) break
[docs] def set_line_style_item(self, ls): """Switch the :attr:`combo_line_style` to the given linestyle Parameters ---------- ls: str The matplotlib linestyle string """ for i, t in enumerate(self.line_styles): if ls in t: block = self.combo_line_style.blockSignals(True) self.combo_line_style.setCurrentIndex(i) self.combo_line_style.blockSignals(block) break
[docs] def should_be_enabled(self, w): """Check if a widget `w` should be enabled or disabled Parameters ---------- w: PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget The widget to (potentially) enable Returns ------- bool True if the :attr:`straditizer` of this instance has marks. Otherwise False""" return self.straditizer is not None and bool(self.straditizer.marks)
[docs] def change_select_colors(self, color): """Change the selection color of the marks Change the selection color of the marks to the given color. Parameters ---------- color: PyQt5.QtGui.QColor or a matplotlib color The color to use """ if isinstance(color, QtGui.QColor): color = np.array(color.getRgb()) / 255. for mark in self.marks: key = 'color' if 'color' in mark._select_props else 'c' mark._select_props[key] = color mark._unselect_props[key] = mark.hline.get_c() self.draw_figs()
[docs] def change_unselect_colors(self, color): """Change the :attr:`straditize.cross_mark.CrossMark.cunselect` color Change the unselection color of the marks to the given color. Parameters ---------- color: PyQt5.QtGui.QColor or a matplotlib color The color to use """ if isinstance(color, QtGui.QColor): color = np.array(color.getRgb()) / 255. for mark in self.marks: key = 'color' if 'color' in mark._unselect_props else 'c' mark._unselect_props[key] = color for l in chain(mark.hlines, mark.vlines, mark.line_connections): l.set_color(color) self.draw_figs()
[docs] def change_line_widths(self, lw): """Change the linewidth of the marks Parameters ---------- lw: float The line width to use """ lw = float(lw or 0) for mark in self.marks: key = 'lw' if 'lw' in mark._unselect_props else 'linewidth' mark._unselect_props[key] = lw if not mark.auto_hide: for l in chain(mark.hlines, mark.vlines, mark.line_connections): l.set_lw(lw) self.draw_figs()
[docs] def change_selection_line_widths(self, lw): """Change the linewidth for selected marks Parameters ---------- lw: float The linewidth for selected marks""" lw = float(lw or 0) for mark in self.marks: key = 'lw' if 'lw' in mark._select_props else 'linewidth' mark._select_props[key] = lw
[docs] def change_auto_hide(self, auto_hide): """Toggle the :attr:`~straditize.cross_mark.CrossMark.auto_hide` This method disables or enables the :attr:`~straditize.cross_mark.CrossMark.auto_hide` of the marks Parameters ---------- auto_hide: bool or PyQt5.QtGui.Qt.Checked or PyQt5.QtGui.Qt.Unchecked The value to use for the auto_hide. :data:`PyQt5.QtGui.Qt.Checked` is equivalent to ``True`` """ if auto_hide is Qt.Checked: auto_hide = True elif auto_hide is Qt.Unchecked: auto_hide = False for mark in self.marks: mark.auto_hide = auto_hide if auto_hide: for l in chain(mark.hlines, mark.vlines, mark.line_connections): l.set_lw(0) else: lw = mark._unselect_props.get( 'lw', mark._unselect_props.get('linewidth')) for l in chain(mark.hlines, mark.vlines, mark.line_connections): l.set_lw(lw) self.draw_figs()
[docs] def change_show_connected_artists(self, show): """Change the visibility of connected artists Parameters ---------- show: bool The visibility for the :meth:`straditize.cross_mark.CrossMarks.set_connected_artists_visible` method""" if show is Qt.Checked: show = True elif show is Qt.Unchecked: show = False for mark in self.marks: mark.set_connected_artists_visible(show) self.draw_figs()
[docs] def change_line_style(self, i): """Change the line style of the marks Parameters ---------- i: int The index of the line style in the :attr:`line_styles` attribute to use """ ls = self.line_styles[i][0] for mark in self.marks: for l in chain(mark.hlines, mark.vlines, mark.line_connections): l.set_ls(ls) self.draw_figs()
[docs] def change_marker_style(self, i): """Change the marker style of the marks Parameters ---------- i: int The index of the marker style in the :attr:`marker_styles` attribute to use """ marker = self.marker_styles[i][1][0] for mark in self.marks: for l in chain(mark.hlines, mark.vlines, mark.line_connections): l.set_marker(marker) self.draw_figs()
[docs] def change_marker_size(self, markersize): """Change the size of the markers Parameters ---------- markersize: float The size of the marker to use""" markersize = float(markersize or 0) for mark in self.marks: for l in chain(mark.hlines, mark.vlines, mark.line_connections): l.set_markersize(markersize) self.draw_figs()
[docs] def fill_from_mark(self, mark): """Set the widgets of this :class:`MarkerControl` from a mark This method sets the color labels, combo boxes, check boxes and text edits to match the properties of the given `mark` Parameters ---------- mark: straditize.cross_mark.CrossMark The mark to use the attributes from """ line = mark.hline try: cselect = mark._select_props['c'] except KeyError: try: cselect = mark._select_props['color'] except KeyError: cselect = mark.hline.get_c() lw_key = 'lw' if 'lw' in mark._unselect_props else 'linewidth' self.set_line_style_item(line.get_linestyle()) self.set_marker_item(line.get_marker()) self.txt_line_width.setText(str(mark._unselect_props.get(lw_key, 0))) self.txt_line_width_select.setText( str(mark._select_props.get(lw_key, 0))) self.txt_marker_size.setText(str(line.get_markersize())) self.lbl_color_select._set_color(cselect) self.lbl_color_unselect._set_color(mark.hline.get_c()) self.cb_auto_hide.setChecked(mark.auto_hide) self.cb_show_connected.setChecked(mark.show_connected_artists) try: mark.x except NotImplementedError: self.cb_drag_vline.setEnabled(False) self.cb_show_vlines.setEnabled(False) self.cb_selectable_vline.setEnabled(False) else: self.cb_drag_vline.setEnabled(True) self.cb_show_vlines.setEnabled(True) self.cb_selectable_vline.setEnabled(True) try: mark.y except NotImplementedError: self.cb_drag_hline.setEnabled(False) self.cb_show_hlines.setEnabled(False) self.cb_selectable_hline.setEnabled(False) else: self.cb_drag_hline.setEnabled(True) self.cb_show_hlines.setEnabled(True) self.cb_selectable_hline.setEnabled(True) self.cb_drag_hline.setChecked('h' in mark.draggable) self.cb_drag_vline.setChecked('v' in mark.draggable) self.cb_show_hlines.setChecked(not mark.hide_horizontal) self.cb_show_vlines.setChecked(not mark.hide_vertical) self.cb_selectable_hline.setChecked('h' in mark.selectable) self.cb_selectable_vline.setChecked('v' in mark.selectable)
@property def line_props(self): """The properties of the lines as a :class:`dict`""" return { 'ls': self.combo_line_style.currentText(), 'marker': self.marker_styles[ self.combo_marker_style.currentIndex()][1][0], 'lw': float(self.txt_line_width.text().strip() or 0), 'markersize': float(self.txt_marker_size.text().strip() or 0), 'c': self.lbl_color_unselect.color.getRgbF(), } @property def select_props(self): """The properties of selected marks as a :class:`dict`""" return { 'c': self.lbl_color_select.color.getRgbF(), 'lw': float(self.txt_line_width_select.text().strip() or 0)}
[docs] def update_mark(self, mark): """Update the properties of a mark to match the settings Parameters ---------- mark: straditize.cross_mark.CrossMarks The mark to update """ if len(self.straditizer.marks) < 2: return # line properties props = self.line_props mark._unselect_props.update(props) mark._select_props.update(self.select_props) # auto_hide auto_hide = self.cb_auto_hide.isChecked() mark.auto_hide = auto_hide if auto_hide: props['lw'] = 0 # show_connected show_connected = self.cb_show_connected.isChecked() mark.set_connected_artists_visible(show_connected) # drag hline drag_hline = self.cb_drag_hline.isChecked() if drag_hline and 'h' not in mark.draggable: mark.draggable.append('h') elif not drag_hline and 'h' in mark.draggable: mark.draggable.remove('h') # drag vline drag_vline = self.cb_drag_vline.isChecked() if drag_vline and 'v' not in mark.draggable: mark.draggable.append('v') elif not drag_vline and 'v' in mark.draggable: mark.draggable.remove('v') # select hline select_hline = self.cb_selectable_hline.isChecked() if select_hline and 'h' not in mark.selectable: mark.selectable.append('h') elif not select_hline and 'h' in mark.selectable: mark.selectable.remove('h') # select hline select_vline = self.cb_selectable_vline.isChecked() if select_vline and 'v' not in mark.selectable: mark.selectable.append('v') elif not select_vline and 'v' in mark.selectable: mark.selectable.remove('v') show_horizontal = self.cb_show_hlines.isChecked() mark.hide_horizontal = ~show_horizontal show_vertical = self.cb_show_vlines.isChecked() mark.hide_vertical = ~show_vertical for l in chain(mark.hlines, mark.vlines): l.update(props) for l in mark.hlines: l.set_visible(show_horizontal) for l in mark.vlines: l.set_visible(show_vertical)
[docs] def change_hline_draggable(self, state): """Enable or disable the dragging of horizontal lines Parameters ---------- state: Qt.Checked or Qt.Unchecked If Qt.Checked, the horizontal lines can be dragged and dropped""" if state == Qt.Checked: for mark in self.marks: mark.draggable = np.unique(np.r_[['h'], mark.draggable]) else: for mark in self.marks: mark.draggable = np.array(list(set(mark.draggable) - {'h'}))
[docs] def change_hline_selectable(self, state): """Enable or disable the selection of horizontal lines Parameters ---------- state: Qt.Checked or Qt.Unchecked If Qt.Checked, the horizontal lines can be selected""" if state == Qt.Checked: for mark in self.marks: mark.selectable = np.unique(np.r_[['h'], mark.selectable]) else: for mark in self.marks: mark.selectable = np.array(list(set(mark.selectable) - {'h'}))
[docs] def change_vline_draggable(self, state): """Enable or disable the dragging of vertical lines Parameters ---------- state: Qt.Checked or Qt.Unchecked If Qt.Checked, the vertical lines can be dragged and dropped""" if state == Qt.Checked: for mark in self.marks: mark.draggable = np.unique(np.r_[['v'], mark.draggable]) else: for mark in self.marks: mark.draggable = np.array(list(set(mark.draggable) - {'v'}))
[docs] def change_vline_selectable(self, state): """Enable or disable the selection of vertical lines Parameters ---------- state: Qt.Checked or Qt.Unchecked If Qt.Checked, the vertical lines can be selected""" if state == Qt.Checked: for mark in self.marks: mark.selectable = np.unique(np.r_[['v'], mark.selectable]) else: for mark in self.marks: mark.selectable = np.array(list(set(mark.selectable) - {'v'}))
[docs] def change_show_hlines(self, state): """Enable of disable the visibility of horizontal lines Parameters ---------- state: Qt.Checked or Qt.Unchecked If Qt.Checked, all horizontal lines are hidden""" if state == Qt.Checked: for mark in self.marks: mark.hide_horizontal = False mark.set_visible(True) else: for mark in self.marks: mark.hide_horizontal = True mark.set_visible(True) self.draw_figs()
[docs] def change_show_vlines(self, state): """Enable of disable the visibility of vertical lines Parameters ---------- state: Qt.Checked or Qt.Unchecked If Qt.Checked, all vertical lines are hidden""" if state == Qt.Checked: for mark in self.marks: mark.hide_vertical = False mark.set_visible(True) else: for mark in self.marks: mark.hide_vertical = True mark.set_visible(True) self.draw_figs()
[docs] def enable_or_disable_widgets(self, b): """Renabled to use the :meth:`refresh` method """ self.refresh()
[docs] def fill_after_adding(self, mark): if not self._filled: self.refresh()
[docs] def go_to_right_mark(self): """Move the plot to the next right cross mark""" ax = self.straditizer.marks[0].ax if ax.xaxis_inverted(): return self.go_to_smaller_x_mark(min(ax.get_xlim())) else: return self.go_to_greater_x_mark(max(ax.get_xlim()))
[docs] def go_to_left_mark(self): """Move the plot to the previous left cross mark""" ax = self.straditizer.marks[0].ax if ax.xaxis_inverted(): return self.go_to_greater_x_mark(max(ax.get_xlim())) else: return self.go_to_smaller_x_mark(min(ax.get_xlim()))
[docs] def go_to_greater_x_mark(self, x): """Move the plot to the next mark with a x-position greater than `x` Parameters ---------- x: float The reference x-position that shall be smaller than the new centered mark""" def is_visible(mark): return (np.searchsorted(np.sort(xlim), mark.xa) == 1).any() and ( np.searchsorted(np.sort(ylim), mark.ya) == 1).any() ax = next(self.marks).ax xlim = np.asarray(ax.get_xlim()) ylim = np.asarray(ax.get_ylim()) marks = self.straditizer.marks if len(marks[0].xa) > 1: # get the mark in the center yc = ylim.mean() try: mark = min( filter(is_visible, marks), key=lambda m: np.abs(m.ya - yc).min()) except ValueError: # empty sequence mark = min( marks, key=lambda m: np.abs(m.ya - yc).min()) # if all edges are visible already, we return if (np.searchsorted(xlim, mark.xa) == 1).all(): return mask = mark.xa > x if not mask.any(): # already on the right side return i = mark.xa[mask].argmin() x = mark.xa[mask][i] dx = np.diff(xlim) / 2. ax.set_xlim(x - dx, x + dx) ax.set_ylim(*ax.get_ylim()) else: distances = ( (mark.xa > x).any() and (mark.xa[mark.xa > x] - x).min() for mark in marks) try: dist, mark = min((t for t in zip(distances, marks) if t[0]), key=lambda t: t[0]) except ValueError: # empty sequence return mask = mark.xa > x i = mark.xa[mask].argmin() x = mark.xa[mask][i] j = np.abs(mark.ya - ylim.mean()).argmin() y = mark.ya[j] dx = np.diff(xlim) / 2. ax.set_xlim(x - dx, x + dx) dy = np.diff(ylim) / 2. ax.set_ylim(y - dy, y + dy) self.straditizer.draw_figure()
[docs] def go_to_smaller_x_mark(self, x): """Move the plot to the next mark with a x-position smaller than `x` Parameters ---------- x: float The reference x-position that shall be greater than the new centered mark""" def is_visible(mark): return (np.searchsorted(np.sort(xlim), mark.xa) == 1).any() and ( np.searchsorted(np.sort(ylim), mark.ya) == 1).any() ax = next(self.marks).ax xlim = np.asarray(ax.get_xlim()) ylim = np.asarray(ax.get_ylim()) marks = self.straditizer.marks if len(marks[0].xa) > 1: # get the mark in the center yc = ylim.mean() try: mark = min( filter(is_visible, marks), key=lambda m: np.abs(m.ya - yc).min()) except ValueError: # empty sequence mark = min( marks, key=lambda m: np.abs(m.ya - yc).min()) # if all edges are visible already, we return if (np.searchsorted(xlim, mark.xa) == 1).all(): return mask = mark.xa < x if not mask.any(): # already on the right side return i = mark.xa[mask].argmin() x = mark.xa[mask][i] dx = np.diff(xlim) / 2. ax.set_xlim(x - dx, x + dx) ax.set_ylim(*ax.get_ylim()) else: distances = ( (mark.xa < x).any() and (mark.xa[mark.xa < x] - x).min() for mark in marks) try: dist, mark = min((t for t in zip(distances, marks) if t[0]), key=lambda t: t[0]) except ValueError: # empty sequence return mask = mark.xa < x i = mark.xa[mask].argmin() x = mark.xa[mask][i] j = np.abs(mark.ya - ylim.mean()).argmin() y = mark.ya[j] dx = np.diff(xlim) / 2. ax.set_xlim(x - dx, x + dx) dy = np.diff(ylim) / 2. ax.set_ylim(y - dy, y + dy) self.straditizer.draw_figure()
[docs] def go_to_upper_mark(self): """Go to the next mark above the current y-limits""" ax = self.straditizer.marks[0].ax if ax.xaxis_inverted(): return self.go_to_greater_y_mark(max(ax.get_ylim())) else: return self.go_to_smaller_y_mark(min(ax.get_ylim()))
[docs] def go_to_lower_mark(self): """Go to the next mark below the current y-limits""" ax = self.straditizer.marks[0].ax if ax.xaxis_inverted(): return self.go_to_smaller_y_mark(min(ax.get_ylim())) else: return self.go_to_greater_y_mark(max(ax.get_ylim()))
[docs] def go_to_greater_y_mark(self, y): """Move the plot to the next mark with a y-position greater than `y` Parameters ---------- y: float The reference y-position that shall be smaller than the new centered mark""" def is_visible(mark): return (np.searchsorted(np.sort(xlim), mark.xa) == 1).any() and ( np.searchsorted(np.sort(ylim), mark.ya) == 1).any() ax = next(self.marks).ax xlim = np.asarray(ax.get_xlim()) ylim = np.asarray(ax.get_ylim()) marks = self.straditizer.marks if len(marks[0].ya) > 1: # get the mark in the center xc = xlim.mean() try: mark = min( filter(is_visible, marks), key=lambda m: np.abs(m.xa - xc).min()) except ValueError: # empty sequence mark = min( marks, key=lambda m: np.abs(m.xa - xc).min()) # if all edges are visible already, we return if (np.searchsorted(ylim, mark.ya) == 1).all(): return mask = mark.ya > y if not mask.any(): # already on the right side return i = mark.ya[mask].argmin() y = mark.ya[mask][i] dy = np.diff(ylim) / 2. ax.set_ylim(y - dy, y + dy) else: distances = ( (mark.ya > y).any() and (mark.xa[mark.ya > y] - y).min() for mark in marks) try: dist, mark = min((t for t in zip(distances, marks) if t[0]), key=lambda t: t[0]) except ValueError: # empty sequence return mask = mark.ya > y i = mark.ya[mask].argmin() y = mark.ya[mask][i] j = np.abs(mark.xa - xlim.mean()).argmin() x = mark.xa[j] dx = np.diff(xlim) / 2. ax.set_xlim(x - dx, x + dx) dy = np.diff(ylim) / 2. ax.set_ylim(y - dy, y + dy) self.straditizer.draw_figure()
[docs] def go_to_smaller_y_mark(self, y): """Move the plot to the next mark with a y-position smaller than `x` Parameters ---------- y: float The reference y-position that shall be smaller than the new centered mark""" def is_visible(mark): return (np.searchsorted(np.sort(xlim), mark.xa) == 1).any() and ( np.searchsorted(np.sort(ylim), mark.ya) == 1).any() ax = next(self.marks).ax xlim = np.asarray(ax.get_xlim()) ylim = np.asarray(ax.get_ylim()) marks = self.straditizer.marks if len(marks[0].ya) > 1: # get the mark in the center xc = xlim.mean() try: mark = min( filter(is_visible, marks), key=lambda m: np.abs(m.xa - xc).min()) except ValueError: # empty sequence mark = min( marks, key=lambda m: np.abs(m.xa - xc).min()) # if all edges are visible already, we return if (np.searchsorted(ylim, mark.ya) == 1).all(): return mask = mark.ya < y if not mask.any(): # already on the right side return i = mark.ya[mask].argmin() y = mark.ya[mask][i] dy = np.diff(ylim) / 2. ax.set_ylim(y - dy, y + dy) else: distances = ( (mark.ya < y).any() and (mark.ya[mark.ya < y] - y).min() for mark in marks) try: dist, mark = min((t for t in zip(distances, marks) if t[0]), key=lambda t: t[0]) except ValueError: # empty sequence return mask = mark.ya < y i = mark.ya[mask].argmin() y = mark.ya[mask][i] j = np.abs(mark.xa - xlim.mean()).argmin() x = mark.xa[j] dx = np.diff(xlim) / 2. ax.set_xlim(x - dx, x + dx) dy = np.diff(ylim) / 2. ax.set_ylim(y - dy, y + dy) self.straditizer.draw_figure()
[docs] def add_toolbar_widgets(self, mark): """Add the navigation actions to the toolbar""" tb = self.straditizer.marks[0].ax.figure.canvas.toolbar if not isinstance(tb, QToolBar): return if self.tb_actions: self.remove_actions() self.tb_actions.append(tb.addSeparator()) try: mark.x except NotImplementedError: add_right = False else: a = tb.addAction( QIcon(get_icon('left_mark.png')), 'left mark', self.go_to_left_mark) a.setToolTip('Move to the next cross mark on the left') self.tb_actions.append(a) add_right = True try: mark.y except NotImplementedError: pass else: a = tb.addAction( QIcon(get_icon('upper_mark.png')), 'upper mark', self.go_to_upper_mark) a.setToolTip('Move to the next cross mark above') self.tb_actions.append(a) a = tb.addAction( QIcon(get_icon('lower_mark.png')), 'lower mark', self.go_to_lower_mark) a.setToolTip('Move to the next cross mark below') self.tb_actions.append(a) if add_right: a = tb.addAction( QIcon(get_icon('right_mark.png')), 'right mark', self.go_to_right_mark) a.setToolTip( 'Move to the next cross mark on the right') self.tb_actions.append(a) self._toolbar = tb
[docs] def remove_actions(self): """Remove the navigation actions from the toolbar""" if self._toolbar is None: return tb = self._toolbar for a in self.tb_actions: tb.removeAction(a) self.tb_actions.clear()
[docs] def refresh(self): """Reimplemented to also set the properties of this widget """ super(MarkerControl, self).refresh() if self.straditizer is not None and self.straditizer.marks: self._filled = True mark = self.straditizer.marks[0] self.fill_from_mark(mark) self.add_toolbar_widgets(mark) else: self.remove_actions() self._filled = False if self.straditizer is not None: self.straditizer.mark_added.connect(self.fill_after_adding) self.straditizer.mark_added.connect(self.update_mark)