Source code for straditize.widgets.samples_table

"""A table for manipulating samples

This module defines the sample editors, either for editing the samples in the
straditizer image (:class:`SingleCrossMarksEditor`) or in a separate
:class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` (:class:`MultiCrossMarksEditor`)


Copyright (C) 2018-2019  Philipp S. Sommer

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>."""
from __future__ import division
import six
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from itertools import chain
from psyplot_gui.compat.qtcompat import (
    QWidget, QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, QtCore, QLineEdit,
    QPushButton, Qt, QMenu, QCheckBox, QTableView)
from psyplot_gui.common import DockMixin, PyErrorMessage
from psyplot_gui.dataframeeditor import DataFrameDock, FrozenTableView
from straditize.common import docstrings
from collections import defaultdict

[docs]class MultiCrossMarksModel(QtCore.QAbstractTableModel): """A table model to handle multiple connected cross marks in different axes """ _format = '%0.6g' @property def fig(self): """The figure of the cross marks""" return self.axes[0].figure @property def _new_mark(self): return self.straditizer()._new_mark @property def _remove_mark(self): return self.straditizer()._remove_mark #: A list ``[float, list]`` where the first ``float`` is the vertical #: position and the second ``list`` is a list of the corresponding #: :class:`~straditize.cross_mark.CrossMarks` instances marks = [] #: A list of :class:`matplotlib.lines.Line2D` that connects the cross marks #: and plots a reconstruction based on them lines = [] @docstrings.get_sectionsf('MultiCrossMarksModel') def __init__(self, marks, columns, straditizer, axes=None, occurences_value=-9999): """ Parameters ---------- marks: list of :class:`straditize.cross_mark.CrossMarks` the initial marks columns: list of str the column names to use straditizer: straditize.straditizer.Straditizer The straditizer that manages the `marks` axes: list of :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` The matplotlib axes that contain the `marks` occurences_value: float The value that marks an occurence""" super(MultiCrossMarksModel, self).__init__() self.occurences_value = occurences_value self.set_marks(marks, columns) if axes is None: self.axes = [ for m in self.marks[0][1]] else: self.axes = axes self.straditizer = straditizer self._marks_moved = 0 self._new_marks = [] self.lines = [] for mark in marks: mark.moved.connect(self.update_after_move)
[docs] def set_marks(self, marks, columns): """Set the :attr:`marks` attribute from the given `columns` Parameters ---------- marks: list of :class:`straditize.cross_mark.CrossMarks` the initial marks columns: list of str the column names to use""" ncols = len(columns) self._column_names = columns arr = np.array(marks).reshape((len(marks) // ncols, ncols)).tolist() self.marks = list(zip((l[0].y for l in arr), arr))
[docs] def get_cell_mark(self, row, column): """Get the mark for a given cell in the table Parameters ---------- row: int The row of the cell column: int The column of the cell Returns ------- straditize.cross_mark.CrossMarks The corresponding mark from the :attr:`marks` attribute""" return self.marks[row][1][column - 1]
@property def iter_marks(self): """Iter over all marks in the :attr:`marks` attribute""" return chain.from_iterable(t[1] for t in self.marks)
[docs] def update_after_move(self, old_pos, mark): self._marks_moved += 1 if self._marks_moved == self.columnCount() - 1: for i, (y, marks) in enumerate(self.marks): if mark in marks: self.marks[i] = (mark.y, marks) if self.lines: self.update_lines() break self.sort_marks() self.reset() self._marks_moved = 0 self.fig.canvas.draw_idle()
[docs] def setData(self, index, value, role=Qt.EditRole, change_type=None): """Cell content change""" return self._set_cell_data(index.row(), index.column(), value)
def _set_cell_data(self, row, column, value): value = float(value) if column == 0: old_y, marks = self.marks[row] for mark in marks: mark.ya[:] = value mark.set_pos((mark.xa, mark.ya)) self.marks[row] = (value, marks) self.sort_marks() else: mark = self.get_cell_mark(row, column) xa = mark.xa[:] i = min(column, len(xa)) - 1 if value == self.occurences_value: mark._is_occurence[i] = True else: xa[i] = value mark.set_pos((xa, mark.ya)) mark._is_occurence[i] = False self.fig.canvas.draw() return True
[docs] def get_format(self): """Return current format""" # Avoid accessing the private attribute _format from outside return self._format
[docs] def set_format(self, fmt): """Change display format""" self._format = six.text_type(fmt) self.reset()
[docs] def flags(self, index): """Set flags""" return Qt.ItemFlags(QtCore.QAbstractTableModel.flags(self, index) | Qt.ItemIsEditable)
[docs] def data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole): if not index.isValid(): return None if role == Qt.DisplayRole or role == Qt.EditRole: return self._get_cell_data(index.row(), index.column())
@property def df(self): """Get the samples_locs""" vals = np.array([[m.x for m in marks[:-1]] for y, marks in self.marks]) df = pd.DataFrame(vals, index=[y for y, marks in self.marks], columns=np.arange(self.columnCount() - 2)) return df.sort_index()
[docs] def plot_lines(self): """Connect the samples through visual :attr:`lines`""" if not self.rowCount(): return self.lines.extend(chain.from_iterable( ax.plot(s.values, s.index.values, c='r') for ax, (col, s) in zip(self.axes, self.df.items()))) self.fig.canvas.draw_idle()
[docs] def update_lines(self): """Update the :attr:`lines` or plot them See Also -------- plot_lines""" if not self.lines: self.plot_lines() elif not self.rowCount(): for l in self.lines: l.remove() self.lines.clear() else: for l, (col, s) in zip(self.lines, self.df.items()): l.set_xdata(s.values) l.set_ydata(s.index.values) self.fig.canvas.draw_idle()
[docs] def remove_lines(self): """Remove the :attr:`lines`""" for l in self.lines: try: l.remove() except ValueError: pass self.lines.clear() self.fig.canvas.draw_idle()
def _get_cell_data(self, row, column): y, marks = self.marks[row] if column == 0: return self.get_format() % y else: i = min(column, len(marks)) - 1 mark = marks[i] i = min(column, len(mark.xa)) - 1 if mark._is_occurence[i]: return self.get_format() % self.occurences_value return self.get_format() % mark.xa[i]
[docs] def rowCount(self, index=QtCore.QModelIndex()): """The number of rows in the table""" return len(self.marks)
[docs] def columnCount(self, index=QtCore.QModelIndex()): """The number of rows in the table""" return len(self.axes) + 1
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset the model""" self.beginResetModel() self.endResetModel()
[docs] def headerData(self, section, orientation, role=Qt.DisplayRole): """Set header data""" if role != Qt.DisplayRole: return None if orientation == Qt.Horizontal: if section == 0: return six.text_type('y') else: col = self._column_names[section - 1] try: col = int(col) except (TypeError, ValueError): return six.text_type(col) else: return 'Column %i' % col elif orientation == Qt.Vertical: return six.text_type(section + 1) else: return None
def _sorter(self, t): return (t[0], [m.x for m in t[1]])
[docs] def sort_marks(self): """Sort the marks based on there y-position""" self.marks = sorted(self.marks, key=self._sorter)
[docs] def load_new_marks(self, mark): """Add a new mark into the table after they have been added by the user Parameters ---------- mark: straditize.cross_mark.CrossMarks The added mark""" self._new_marks.append(mark) mark.moved.connect(self.update_after_move) if len(self._new_marks) == self.columnCount() - 1: new = (self._new_marks[0].y, self._new_marks) self.marks.append(new) self._new_marks = [] self.sort_marks() idx = self.marks.index(new) self.beginInsertRows(QtCore.QModelIndex(), idx, idx) self.endInsertRows() self.update_lines()
[docs] def remove_mark(self, mark): """Remove a mark from the table after it has been removed by the user Parameters ---------- mark: straditize.cross_mark.CrossMarks The removed mark""" found = False for i, (y, marks) in enumerate(self.marks): if mark in marks: found = True break if found: for m in self.marks[i][1]: try: m.moved.disconnect(self.update_after_move) except ValueError: pass del self.marks[i] self.beginRemoveRows(QtCore.QModelIndex(), i, i) self.endRemoveRows() self.update_lines()
[docs] def insertRow(self, irow, xa=None, ya=None): """Insert a row into the table Parameters ---------- irow: int The row index. If `irow` is equal to the length of the :attr:`marks`, the rows will be appended""" if xa is None or ya is None: mark = self.marks[min(irow, len(self.marks) - 1)][1][0] new = self._new_mark(mark.xa, mark.ya) else: new = self._new_mark(xa, ya) y = new[0].y for m in new: m.moved.connect(self.update_after_move) if irow == len(self.marks): self.marks.append((y, new)) else: self.marks.insert(irow, (y, new)) self.beginInsertRows(QtCore.QModelIndex(), irow, irow) self.endInsertRows() self.update_lines()
[docs] def delRow(self, irow): for mark in self.marks[irow][1]: try: mark.moved.disconnect(self.update_after_move) except ValueError: pass try: self._remove_mark(mark) except ValueError: pass del self.marks[irow] self.beginRemoveRows(QtCore.QModelIndex(), irow, irow) self.endRemoveRows() self.update_lines()
[docs]class SingleCrossMarksModel(MultiCrossMarksModel): """A table model to handle cross marks within one single axis""" #: A list of tuples like ``(float, mark)`` where ``float`` is the y-pixel #: and ``mark`` is the corresponding #: :class:`straditize.cross_mark.CrossMarks` instance marks = [] @docstrings.get_sectionsf('SingleCrossMarksModel') @docstrings.dedent def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- %(MultiCrossMarksModel.parameters)s column_bounds: np.ndarray of shape ``(N, 2)`` The column boundaries y0: float The upper extent of the data image """ self._bounds = kwargs.pop('column_bounds') self._y0 = kwargs.pop('y0') super(SingleCrossMarksModel, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_marks(self, marks, columns): self._column_names = columns self.marks = list(zip((m.y for m in marks), marks))
set_marks.__doc__ = MultiCrossMarksModel.set_marks.__doc__
[docs] def get_cell_mark(self, row, column): ret = self.marks[row][1] if column > 0: ret._i_vline = column - 1 return ret
get_cell_mark.__doc__ = MultiCrossMarksModel.get_cell_mark.__doc__ @property def iter_marks(self): """Iter over all marks in the :attr:`marks` attribute""" return (m for y, m in self.marks)
[docs] def update_after_move(self, old_pos, mark): for i, (y, m) in enumerate(self.marks): if m is mark: self.marks[i] = (mark.y, mark) if self.lines: self.update_lines() break self.sort_marks() self.reset() self.fig.canvas.draw_idle()
def _set_cell_data(self, row, column, value): value = float(value) if column == 0: old_y, mark = self.marks[row] mark.ya[:] = value + self._y0 mark.set_pos((mark.xa, mark.ya)) self.marks[row] = (value + self._y0, mark) self.sort_marks() else: mark = self.get_cell_mark(row, column) if value == self.occurences_value: mark._is_occurence[column-1] = True else: xa = mark.xa[:] xa[column - 1] = value + self._bounds[column - 1, 0] mark._is_occurence[column-1] = False mark.set_pos((xa, mark.ya)) self.fig.canvas.draw() return True @property def df(self): """Get the samples_locs""" if self.marks: vals = np.array([t[1].xa for t in self.marks]) - \ self._bounds[:, :1].T else: vals = [] df = pd.DataFrame( vals, index=np.array([y for y, mark in self.marks]) - self._y0, columns=np.arange(self.columnCount() - 1)) return df.sort_index()
[docs] def plot_lines(self): if not self.rowCount(): return ax = self.axes[0] starts = self._bounds[:, 0] y0 = self._y0 self.lines.extend(chain.from_iterable( ax.plot(starts[col] + s.values, y0 + s.index.values, c='r') for col, s in self.df.items())) self.fig.canvas.draw_idle()
plot_lines.__doc__ = MultiCrossMarksModel.plot_lines.__doc__
[docs] def update_lines(self): if not self.lines: self.plot_lines() elif not self.rowCount(): for l in self.lines: l.remove() self.lines.clear() else: starts = self._bounds[:, 0] y0 = self._y0 for l, (col, s) in zip(self.lines, self.df.items()): l.set_xdata(starts[col] + s.values) l.set_ydata(y0 + s.index.values) self.fig.canvas.draw_idle()
update_lines.__doc__ = MultiCrossMarksModel.update_lines.__doc__ def _get_cell_data(self, row, column): y, mark = self.marks[row] if column == 0: return self.get_format() % (y - self._y0) else: if mark._is_occurence[column - 1]: return self.get_format() % self.occurences_value return self.get_format() % (mark.xa[column - 1] - self._bounds[column - 1][0])
[docs] def columnCount(self, index=QtCore.QModelIndex()): return len(self._column_names) + 1
def _sorter(self, t): return (t[0], list(t[1].xa - self._bounds[:, 0]))
[docs] def load_new_marks(self, mark): new = [mark.y, mark] self.marks.append(new) self.sort_marks() idx = self.marks.index(new) self.beginInsertRows(QtCore.QModelIndex(), idx, idx) self.endInsertRows() mark.moved.connect(self.update_after_move) self.update_lines()
[docs] def remove_mark(self, mark): found = False for i, (y, m) in enumerate(self.marks): if m is mark: found = True break if found: try: mark.moved.disconnect(self.update_after_move) except ValueError: pass del self.marks[i] self.beginRemoveRows(QtCore.QModelIndex(), i, i) self.endRemoveRows() self.update_lines()
[docs] def insertRow(self, irow, xa=None, ya=None): """Insert a row into the table Parameters ---------- irow: int The row index. If `irow` is equal to the length of the :attr:`marks`, the rows will be appended""" if xa is None or ya is None: mark = self.marks[min(irow, len(self.marks) - 1)][1] new = self._new_mark(mark.xa[0], mark.ya[0])[0] else: new = self._new_mark(xa + self._bounds[:, 0], ya + self._y0)[0] new.set_pos((xa + self._bounds[:, 0], ya + self._y0)) y = new.y new.moved.connect(self.update_after_move) if irow == len(self.marks): self.marks.append((y, new)) else: self.marks.insert(irow, (y, new)) self.beginInsertRows(QtCore.QModelIndex(), irow, irow) self.endInsertRows() self.update_lines()
[docs] def delRow(self, irow): mark = self.marks[irow][1] try: mark.moved.disconnect(self.update_after_move) except ValueError: pass try: self._remove_mark(mark) except ValueError: pass del self.marks[irow] self.beginRemoveRows(QtCore.QModelIndex(), irow, irow) self.endRemoveRows() self.update_lines()
[docs]class MultiCrossMarksView(QTableView): """A table view set up by cross marks from multiple axes The model for this table is the :class:`MultiCrossMarksModel`""" _fit2selection_cid = None docstrings.delete_params('MultiCrossMarksModel.parameters', 'marks') #: The :class:`pandas.DataFrame` representing the full digitized data #: from the :attr:`straditize.binary.DataReader.full_df` data frame full_df = None @docstrings.dedent def __init__(self, marks, full_df, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- marks: list of :class:`straditize.cross_mark.CrossMarks` the initial marks full_df: pandas.DataFrame The data fame of the full digitized data %(MultiCrossMarksModel.parameters.no_marks)s """ QTableView.__init__(self) self.full_df = full_df model = self.init_model(marks, *args, **kwargs) self.setModel(model) = self.setup_menu() self.frozen_table_view = FrozenTableView(self) self.frozen_table_view.update_geometry() self.setHorizontalScrollMode(1) self.setVerticalScrollMode(1) self.horizontalHeader().sectionResized.connect( self.update_section_width) self.verticalHeader().sectionResized.connect( self.update_section_height) self.header_class = self.horizontalHeader()
[docs] @docstrings.with_indent(8) def init_model(self, marks, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize the table :class:`MultiCrossMarksModel` Parameters ---------- %(MultiCrossMarksModel.parameters)s""" return MultiCrossMarksModel(marks, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def update_section_width(self, logical_index, old_size, new_size): """Update the horizontal width of the frozen column when a change takes place in the first column of the table""" if logical_index == 0: self.frozen_table_view.setColumnWidth(0, new_size) self.frozen_table_view.update_geometry()
[docs] def update_section_height(self, logical_index, old_size, new_size): """Update the vertical width of the frozen column when a change takes place on any of the rows""" self.frozen_table_view.setRowHeight(logical_index, new_size)
[docs] def resizeEvent(self, event): """Update the frozen column dimensions. Updates takes place when the enclosing window of this table reports a dimension change """ QTableView.resizeEvent(self, event) self.frozen_table_view.update_geometry()
[docs] def moveCursor(self, cursor_action, modifiers): """Update the table position. Updates the position along with the frozen column when the cursor (selector) changes its position """ current = QTableView.moveCursor(self, cursor_action, modifiers) col_width = (self.columnWidth(0) + self.columnWidth(1)) topleft_x = self.visualRect(current).topLeft().x() overflow = self.MoveLeft and current.column() > 1 overflow = overflow and topleft_x < col_width if cursor_action == overflow: new_value = (self.horizontalScrollBar().value() + topleft_x - col_width) self.horizontalScrollBar().setValue(new_value) return current
[docs] def scrollTo(self, index, hint): """Scroll the table. It is necessary to ensure that the item at index is visible. The view will try to position the item according to the given hint. This method does not takes effect only if the frozen column is scrolled. """ if index.column() > 1: QTableView.scrollTo(self, index, hint)
[docs] def setup_menu(self): """Setup context menu""" menu = QMenu(self) self.insert_row_above_action = menu.addAction( 'Insert row above', self.insert_row_above_selection) self.insert_row_below_action = menu.addAction( 'Insert row below', self.insert_row_below_selection) menu.addSeparator() self.delete_selected_rows_action = menu.addAction( 'Delete selected rows', self.delete_selected_rows) menu.addSeparator() self.fit2data_action = menu.addAction( 'Fit selected cells to the data', self.fit2data) self.zoom_to_selection_action = menu.addAction( 'Zoom to selected cells and rows', self.zoom_to_selection) return menu
[docs] def insert_row_above_selection(self): """Insert a row above the selection""" self._insert_row(above=True)
def _insert_row(self, above=True): rows, cols = self._selected_rows_and_cols() model = self.model() if not model.rowCount(): model.insertRow(0, xa=self.full_df.iloc[0], ya=self.full_df.index[0]) elif not rows and not cols: return else: irow = min(rows) if above else (max(rows) + 1) model.insertRow(irow)
[docs] def insert_row_below_selection(self): """Insert a row below the selection""" self._insert_row(above=False)
[docs] def delete_selected_rows(self): rows, cols = self._selected_rows_and_cols() model = self.model() for row in sorted(set(rows), reverse=True): model.delRow(row)
[docs] def fit2data(self): """Fit the selected cells to the :attr:`full_df`""" model = self.model() df = self.full_df mark = None for index in self.selectedIndexes(): row = index.row() col = index.column() if col == 0: # index column continue mark = model.get_cell_mark(row, col) old_pos = mark.pos xa = df.loc[df.index.get_loc(mark.y, method='nearest')].iloc[col-1] if np.isnan(xa): xa = 0 mark.set_pos((xa, mark.ya)) mark.moved.emit(old_pos, mark) if mark is not None: mark.fig.canvas.draw()
def _selected_rows_and_cols(self): index_list = self.selectedIndexes() if not index_list: return [], [] return list(zip(*[(i.row(), i.column()) for i in index_list]))
[docs] def contextMenuEvent(self, event): """Reimplement Qt method""" event.accept()
[docs] def zoom_to_selection(self): """Zoom to the selected cells in the plot""" self.zoom_to_cells(*self._selected_rows_and_cols())
[docs] def zoom_to_cells(self, rows, cols): """Zoom to specific cells in the plot Parameters ---------- rows: list of int The row indices of the cells cols: list of int The column indicies of the cells""" model = self.model() xvals = defaultdict(list) yvals = [] marks = {} mark = None for row, col in zip(rows, cols): if col == 0: # index column yvals.append(model.get_cell_mark(row, 1).y) else: mark = model.get_cell_mark(row, col) xvals[col - 1].append(mark.x) yvals.append(mark.y) marks[col - 1] = mark if not yvals: return ymin = min(yvals) - 10 ymax = max(yvals) + 10 mark = model.get_cell_mark(0, 1), ymin) for col, x in xvals.items(): mark = marks[col] xmax = float(self.full_df.iloc[:, col].max()), xmax), ymin) mark.fig.canvas.draw()
[docs] def show_all_marks(self): """Show all marks See Also -------- show_selected_marks_only""" model = self.model() for m in model.iter_marks: m.set_visible(True) model.fig.canvas.draw()
[docs] def show_selected_marks_only(self): """Show only the marks selected in the table See Also -------- show_all_marks""" model = self.model() # hide all marks for m in model.iter_marks: m.set_visible(False) # show selected marks rows = sorted(set(self._selected_rows_and_cols()[0])) for row in rows: for col in range(model.columnCount()): model.get_cell_mark(row, col).set_visible(True) model.fig.canvas.draw()
[docs]class SingleCrossMarksView(MultiCrossMarksView): """A table for visualizing marks from a single axes"""
[docs] def init_model(self, marks, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize the table :class:`SingleCrossMarksModel` Parameters ---------- %(SingleCrossMarksModel.parameters)s""" return SingleCrossMarksModel(marks, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def fit2data(self): model = self.model() df = self.full_df mark = None y0 = model._y0 starts = model._bounds[:, 0] for index in self.selectedIndexes(): row = index.row() col = index.column() if col == 0: # index column continue mark = model.get_cell_mark(row, col) xa = mark.xa old_pos = mark.pos x = df.loc[ df.index.get_loc(mark.y - y0, method='nearest')].iloc[col-1] if np.isnan(x): x = 0 xa[col - 1] = x + starts[col - 1] mark.set_pos((xa, mark.ya)) mark.moved.emit(old_pos, mark) if mark is not None: mark.fig.canvas.draw()
fit2data.__doc__ = MultiCrossMarksView.fit2data.__doc__
[docs] def zoom_to_cells(self, rows, cols): model = self.model() rows = list(rows) cols = list(cols) if not model.rowCount() or not len(cols) or not len(rows): return y = model.df.iloc[rows].index + model._y0 cols = np.unique(cols) - 1 xmin = model._bounds[:, 0][cols].min() xmax = model._bounds[:, 1][cols].max() ax = model.axes[0] ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) ax.set_ylim(y.max() + 10, y.min() - 10) model.fig.canvas.draw()
zoom_to_cells.__doc__ = MultiCrossMarksView.zoom_to_cells.__doc__
[docs]class MultiCrossMarksEditor(DockMixin, QWidget): """An editor for cross marks in multiple axes""" #: The QDockWidget for the :class:`DataFrameEditor` dock_cls = DataFrameDock #: A :class:`weakref` to the #: :attr:`~straditize.widgets.StraditizerWidgets.straditizer` straditizer = None def __init__(self, straditizer, axes=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- straditizer: weakref.ref The reference to the straditizer axes: matplotlib.axes.Axes The matplotlib axes corresponding to the marks """ super(MultiCrossMarksEditor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.straditizer = straditizer straditizer = straditizer() self.error_msg = PyErrorMessage(self) #: Plot the reconstructed data self.cb_plot_lines = QCheckBox('Plot reconstruction') self.cb_plot_lines.setChecked(True) # A Checkbox to automatically zoom to the selection self.cb_zoom_to_selection = QCheckBox('Zoom to selection') # A Checkbox to automaticall hide the other marks self.cb_selection_only = QCheckBox('Selection only') # A Checkbox to automatically fit the selected cells to the selected # data self.cb_fit2selection = QCheckBox( 'Fit selected cells to selected data') self.cb_fit2selection.setToolTip( 'If checked, select cells from the table and click on one of the ' 'plots to update the table with the data at the selected position.' ) # The table to display the DataFrame self.table = self.create_view(axes=axes) # format line edit self.format_editor = QLineEdit() self.format_editor.setText(self.table.model()._format) # format update button self.btn_change_format = QPushButton('Update') self.btn_change_format.setEnabled(False) self.btn_save = QPushButton('Save') self.btn_save.setToolTip('Save the samples and continue editing') # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------ layout -------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------- vbox = QVBoxLayout() self.top_hbox = hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addWidget(self.cb_zoom_to_selection) hbox.addWidget(self.cb_selection_only) hbox.addWidget(self.cb_fit2selection) hbox.addWidget(self.cb_plot_lines) hbox.addStretch(0) vbox.addLayout(hbox) vbox.addWidget(self.table) self.bottom_hbox = hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addWidget(self.format_editor) hbox.addWidget(self.btn_change_format) hbox.addStretch(0) hbox.addWidget(self.btn_save) vbox.addLayout(hbox) self.setLayout(vbox) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------ Connections -------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.format_editor.textChanged.connect(self.toggle_fmt_button) self.btn_change_format.clicked.connect(self.update_format) self.btn_save.clicked.connect(self.save_samples) straditizer.mark_added.connect(self.table.model().load_new_marks) straditizer.mark_removed.connect(self.table.model().remove_mark) self.table.selectionModel().selectionChanged.connect( self.maybe_zoom_to_selection) self.table.frozen_table_view.selectionModel().selectionChanged.connect( self.maybe_zoom_to_selection) self.table.selectionModel().selectionChanged.connect( self.maybe_show_selection_only) self.table.frozen_table_view.selectionModel().selectionChanged.connect( self.maybe_show_selection_only) self.cb_zoom_to_selection.stateChanged.connect( self.toggle_cb_zoom_to_selection) self.cb_selection_only.stateChanged.connect( self.toggle_cb_selection_only) self.cb_fit2selection.stateChanged.connect(self.toggle_fit2selection) self.cb_plot_lines.stateChanged.connect(self.toggle_plot_lines) self.toggle_plot_lines()
[docs] def create_view(self, axes=None): """Create the :class:`MultiCrossMarksView` of the editor Parameters ---------- axes: list of :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` The matplotlib axes for the marks""" stradi = self.straditizer() reader = stradi.data_reader df = getattr(stradi, '_plotted_full_df', reader._full_df).copy() df.columns = [ str(i) if str(i) == colname else '%s (%i)' % (colname, i) for i, colname in enumerate(stradi.colnames_reader.column_names + ['nextrema'])] return MultiCrossMarksView(stradi.marks, df, df.columns, self.straditizer, axes=axes, occurences_value=reader.occurences_value)
[docs] def save_samples(self): """Save the samples to the :attr:`straditizer` without removing them""" self.straditizer().update_samples_sep(remove=False)
[docs] def maybe_zoom_to_selection(self): if self.cb_zoom_to_selection.isChecked(): self.table.zoom_to_selection()
[docs] def maybe_show_selection_only(self): if self.cb_selection_only.isChecked(): self.table.show_selected_marks_only()
[docs] def toggle_cb_zoom_to_selection(self): if self.cb_zoom_to_selection.isChecked(): self.table.zoom_to_selection()
[docs] def toggle_cb_selection_only(self): if self.cb_selection_only.isChecked(): self.table.show_selected_marks_only() else: self.table.show_all_marks()
[docs] def toggle_fit2selection(self): """Enable the fitting so selected digitized data""" model = self.table.model() fig = model.fig if self.cb_fit2selection.isChecked(): self._fit2selection_cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect( 'button_press_event', self._fit2selection) elif self._fit2selection_cid is not None: fig.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self._fit2selection_cid) del self._fit2selection_cid
def _fit2selection(self, event): model = self.table.model() if (not event.inaxes or event.button != 1 or model.fig.canvas.manager.toolbar.mode != ''): return y = int(np.round(event.ydata)) data = self.table.full_df.loc[y] indexes = list(self.table.selectedIndexes()) mark = None for index in indexes: row = index.row() col = index.column() if col == 0: # index column continue mark = model.get_cell_mark(row, col) old_pos = mark.pos xa = data[col - 1] if np.isnan(xa): xa = 0 mark.set_pos((xa, mark.ya)) mark.moved.emit(old_pos, mark) if mark is not None: mark.fig.canvas.draw()
[docs] def toggle_fmt_button(self, text): try: text % 1.1 except (TypeError, ValueError): self.btn_change_format.setEnabled(False) else: self.btn_change_format.setEnabled( text.strip() != self.table.model()._format)
[docs] def toggle_plot_lines(self): model = self.table.model() if self.cb_plot_lines.isChecked(): model.plot_lines() else: model.remove_lines()
[docs] def update_format(self): """Update the format of the table""" self.table.model().set_format(self.format_editor.text().strip())
[docs] def to_dock(self, main, title=None, position=None, docktype='df', *args, **kwargs): if position is None: if main.centralWidget() is not main.help_explorer: position = main.dockWidgetArea(main.help_explorer.dock) else: position = Qt.RightDockWidgetArea connect = self.dock is None ret = super(MultiCrossMarksEditor, self).to_dock( main, title, position, docktype=docktype, *args, **kwargs) if connect: self.dock.toggleViewAction().triggered.connect(self.maybe_tabify) return ret
[docs] def maybe_tabify(self): main = self.dock.parent() if self.is_shown and main.dockWidgetArea( main.help_explorer.dock) == main.dockWidgetArea(self.dock): main.tabifyDockWidget(main.help_explorer.dock, self.dock)
[docs]class SingleCrossMarksEditor(MultiCrossMarksEditor): """The editor for cross marks on a single axes"""
[docs] def create_view(self, axes=None): """Create the :class:`SingleCrossMarksView` of the editor Parameters ---------- axes: list of :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` The matplotlib axes for the marks""" stradi = self.straditizer() reader = stradi.data_reader axes = [] df = getattr(stradi, '_plotted_full_df', reader._full_df).copy() df.columns = [ str(i) if str(i) == colname else '%s (%i)' % (colname, i) for i, colname in enumerate(stradi.colnames_reader.column_names)] x0 = min(stradi.data_xlim) return SingleCrossMarksView( stradi.marks, df, df.columns, self.straditizer, axes=axes, column_bounds=x0 + reader.all_column_bounds, y0=min(stradi.data_ylim), occurences_value=reader.occurences_value)
[docs] def save_samples(self): self.straditizer().update_samples(remove=False)
def _fit2selection(self, event): model = self.table.model() if (not event.inaxes or event.button != 1 or model.fig.canvas.manager.toolbar.mode != ''): return y = int(np.round(event.ydata)) - model._y0 data = self.table.full_df.loc[y] indexes = list(self.table.selectedIndexes()) mark = None for index in indexes: row = index.row() col = index.column() if col == 0: # index column continue mark = model.get_cell_mark(row, col) old_pos = mark.pos x = data[col - 1] if np.isnan(x): x = 0 xa = mark.xa xa[col - 1] = model._bounds[col - 1, 0] + x mark.set_pos((xa, mark.ya)) mark.moved.emit(old_pos, mark) if mark is not None: mark.fig.canvas.draw()