12. Column names

Finally, we select the column titles and save them in the project.

Each of the sub diagrams has a title, in our case, Pinus, Juniperus, Quercus ilex-type and Chenopodiaceae. These names should be used in the final digitization result and therefore you can include them in straditize:

  1. Expand the Column names item in the straditizer control and click the Edit column names button

  2. In the appearing widget, the colnames editor

    column names editor

    you find a table where you can edit the column names. The plot on it’s left also shows a rotated version of the diagram, to help you identifying the column names. You can navigate in this plot using leftclick and zoom in and out using right-click (see matplotlibs docs on interactive navigation with the Pan/Zoom-tool).


    If you have tesserocr installed (see the user manual), you can also just click the Find column names button and you are done.

  3. When you entered the correct names in the table (see image below), click the Edit column names button again to hide the dialog.

    column names editor with names