Source code for straditize.widgets.menu_actions

"""The main control widget for a straditizer


Copyright (C) 2018-2019  Philipp S. Sommer

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
import os
import os.path as osp
import weakref
import pandas as pd
from itertools import chain
import datetime as dt
import six
from straditize.widgets import StraditizerControlBase
from straditize.common import rgba2rgb, docstrings
from psyplot_gui.compat.qtcompat import (
    with_qt5, QFileDialog, QMenu, QKeySequence, QDialog, QDialogButtonBox,
    QLineEdit, QToolButton, QIcon, QCheckBox, QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, QLabel,
    QDesktopWidget, QTreeWidgetItem, Qt, QMessageBox)
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets
from psyplot_gui.common import get_icon
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

straditizer = None

# axes that are being updated currently
_updating = []

[docs]class ExportDfDialog(QDialog): """A QDialog to export a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` to Excel or CSV""" @docstrings.get_sectionsf('ExportDfDialog') def __init__(self, df, straditizer, fname=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- df: pandas.DataFrame The DataFrame to be exported straditizer: straditize.straditizer.Straditizer The source straditizer fname: str The file name to export to """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.df = df self.stradi = straditizer self.txt_fname = QLineEdit() self.bt_open_file = QToolButton() self.bt_open_file.setIcon(QIcon(get_icon('run_arrow.png'))) self.bt_open_file.setToolTip('Select the export file on your drive') self.cb_include_meta = QCheckBox('Include meta data') self.cb_include_meta.setChecked(True) self.bbox = bbox = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------- Layouts --------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------- vbox = QVBoxLayout() hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addWidget(QLabel('Export to:')) hbox.addWidget(self.txt_fname) hbox.addWidget(self.bt_open_file) vbox.addLayout(hbox) vbox.addWidget(self.cb_include_meta) vbox.addWidget(bbox) self.setLayout(vbox) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------- Connections ----------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------- bbox.accepted.connect(self._export) bbox.rejected.connect(self.reject) self.bt_open_file.clicked.connect(self.get_open_file_name) if fname is not None: self.txt_fname.setText(fname) self._export()
[docs] def get_open_file_name(self): """Ask the user for a filename for saving the data frame""" def check_current(): dirname = osp.dirname(current) if osp.exists(dirname) and osp.isdir(dirname): return dirname current = self.txt_fname.text().strip() start = None if current: start = check_current() if start is None: for attr in 'project_file', 'image_file': try: current = self.stradi.get_attr(attr) except KeyError: pass else: start = check_current() if start is not None: break if start is None: start = os.getcwd() fname = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, 'DataFrame file destination', start, 'Excel files (*.xlsx *.xls);;' 'csv files (*.csv);;' 'All files (*)' ) if with_qt5: # the filter is passed as well fname = fname[0] if not fname: return self.txt_fname.setText(fname)
def _export(self): fname = self.txt_fname.text() ending = osp.splitext(fname)[1] self.stradi.set_attr('exported', str( meta = self.stradi.valid_attrs if ending in ['.xls', '.xlsx']: with pd.ExcelWriter(fname) as writer: self.df.to_excel(writer, 'Data') if self.cb_include_meta.isChecked() and len(meta): meta.to_excel(writer, 'Metadata', header=False) else: with open(fname, 'w') as f: if self.cb_include_meta.isChecked(): for t in meta.iloc[:, 0].items(): f.write('# %s: %s\n' % t) self.df.to_csv(fname, mode='a') self.accept()
[docs] def cancel(self): del self.stradi, self.df super().cancel()
[docs] def accept(self): del self.stradi, self.df super().accept()
[docs] @classmethod @docstrings.dedent def export_df(cls, parent, df, straditizer, fname=None, exec_=True): """Open a dialog for exporting a DataFrame Parameters ---------- parent: QWidget The parent widget %(ExportDfDialog.parameters)s""" dialog = cls(df, straditizer, fname, parent=parent) if fname is None: available_width = QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry().width() / 3. width = dialog.sizeHint().width() height = dialog.sizeHint().height() # The plot creator window should cover at least one third of the # screen dialog.resize(max(available_width, width), height) if exec_: dialog.exec_() else: return dialog
[docs]class StraditizerMenuActions(StraditizerControlBase): """An object to control the main functionality of a Straditizer This object is creates menu actions to load the straditizer""" #: The QActions to save the straditizer, straditizer image, etc. save_actions = [] #: The QActions to save the exported DataFrames and data images data_actions = [] #: The QActions to save the column names images text_actions = [] #: The action to #: :meth:`~straditize.widgets.StraditizerWidgets.switch_to_straditizer_layout` window_layout_action = None #: The path to a directory from where to open a straditizer. Is set in the #: tutorial _dirname_to_use = None @property def all_actions(self): """:attr:`save_actions`, :attr:`data_actions` and :attr:`text_actions` """ return chain(self.save_actions, self.data_actions, self.text_actions) def __init__(self, straditizer_widgets): self.init_straditizercontrol(straditizer_widgets)
[docs] def setup_menu_actions(self, main): """Create the actions for the file menu Parameters ---------- main: psyplot_gui.main.MainWindow The mainwindow whose menubar shall be adapted""" # load buttons self.open_menu = menu = QMenu('Open straditizer') main.open_project_menu.addMenu(self.open_menu) self.load_stradi_action = self._add_action( menu, 'Project or image', self.open_straditizer, tooltip='Reload a digitization project or load a picture') self.load_clipboard_action = self._add_action( menu, 'From clipboard', self.from_clipboard, tooltip='Load a picture from the clipboard') # save and export data buttons self.save_straditizer_action = self._add_action( main.save_project_menu, 'Save straditizer', self.save_straditizer, tooltip='Save the digitization project') self.save_straditizer_as_action = self._add_action( main.save_project_as_menu, 'Save straditizer as', self.save_straditizer_as, tooltip='Save the digitization project to a different file') self.export_data_menu = menu = QMenu('Straditizer data') main.export_project_menu.addMenu(menu) self.export_full_action = self._add_action( menu, 'Full data', self.export_full, tooltip='Export the full digitized data') self.export_final_action = self._add_action( menu, 'Samples', self.export_final, tooltip='Export the data at the sample locations') # close menu self.close_straditizer_action = self._add_action( main.close_project_menu, 'Close straditizer', self.straditizer_widgets.close_straditizer, tooltip='Close the current straditize project') self.close_all_straditizer_action = self._add_action( main.close_project_menu, 'Close all straditizers', self.straditizer_widgets.close_all_straditizers, tooltip='Close all open straditize projects') # export image buttons self.export_images_menu = menu = QMenu('Straditizer image(s)') menu.setToolTipsVisible(True) main.export_project_menu.addMenu(menu) self.export_full_image_action = self._add_action( menu, 'Full image', self.save_full_image, tooltip='Save the full image to a file') self.export_data_image_action = self._add_action( menu, 'Save data image', self.save_data_image, tooltip='Save the binary image that represents the data part') self.export_text_image_action = self._add_action( menu, 'Save text image', self.save_text_image, tooltip='Save the image part with the rotated column descriptions') # import image buttons self.import_images_menu = menu = QMenu('Import straditizer image(s)') menu.setToolTipsVisible(True) self.import_full_image_action = self._add_action( menu, 'Full image', self.import_full_image, tooltip='Import the diagram into the current project') self.import_data_image_action = self._add_action( menu, 'Data image', self.import_data_image, tooltip='Import the data part image') self.import_binary_image_action = self._add_action( menu, 'Binary data image', self.import_binary_image, tooltip='Import the binary image for the data part') self.import_text_image_action = self._add_action( menu, 'Text image', self.import_text_image, tooltip='Import the image for the column names') self.window_layout_action = main.window_layouts_menu.addAction( 'Straditizer layout', self.straditizer_widgets.switch_to_straditizer_layout) self.save_actions = [self.export_full_image_action, self.save_straditizer_action, self.import_full_image_action] self.data_actions = [self.export_data_image_action, self.export_full_action, self.export_final_action, self.import_binary_image_action, self.import_data_image_action] self.text_actions = [self.export_text_image_action, self.import_text_image_action] self.widgets2disable = [self.load_stradi_action, self.load_clipboard_action] self.refresh()
[docs] def setup_shortcuts(self, main): """Setup the shortcuts when switched to the straditizer layout Parameters ---------- main: psyplot_gui.main.MainWindow The psyplot mainwindow""" main.register_shortcut(self.save_straditizer_action, QKeySequence.Save) main.register_shortcut(self.save_straditizer_as_action, QKeySequence.SaveAs) main.register_shortcut(self.close_straditizer_action, QKeySequence.Close) main.register_shortcut( self.close_all_straditizer_action, QKeySequence('Ctrl+Shift+W', QKeySequence.NativeText)) main.register_shortcut( self.export_final_action, QKeySequence( 'Ctrl+E', QKeySequence.NativeText)) main.register_shortcut( self.export_full_action, QKeySequence( 'Ctrl+Shift+E', QKeySequence.NativeText)) main.register_shortcut(self.load_stradi_action, [QKeySequence.Open, QKeySequence.New])
def _add_action(self, menu, *args, **kwargs): tooltip = kwargs.pop('tooltip', None) a = menu.addAction(*args, **kwargs) if tooltip: a.setToolTip(tooltip) return a @property def _start_directory(self): def check_current(): dirname = osp.dirname(current) if osp.exists(dirname) and osp.isdir(dirname): return dirname if self.straditizer is not None: current = None for attr in 'project_file', 'image_file': try: current = self.straditizer.get_attr(attr) except KeyError: pass else: start = check_current() if start is not None: break if current: return osp.splitext(current)[0] return os.getcwd() @docstrings.get_sectionsf('StraditizerMenuActions._open_image') def _open_image(self, fname=None): """Open an image file Parameters ---------- fname: :class:`str`, :class:`PIL.Image.Image` or ``None`` The path of the image file or the :class:`PIL.Image.Image`. If None, a QFileDialog is opened to request the file from the user. Returns ------- PIL.Image.Image The image file or None if the operation has been cancelled by the user""" if fname is None or (not isinstance(fname, six.string_types) and np.ndim(fname) < 2): fname = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self.straditizer_widgets, 'Stratigraphic diagram', self._dirname_to_use or self._start_directory, 'All images ' '(*.jpeg *.jpg *.pdf *.png *.raw *.rgba *.tif *.tiff);;' 'Joint Photographic Experts Group (*.jpeg *.jpg);;' 'Portable Document Format (*.pdf);;' 'Portable Network Graphics (*.png);;' 'Tagged Image File Format(*.tif *.tiff);;' 'All files (*)' ) if with_qt5: # the filter is passed as well fname = fname[0] if not np.ndim(fname) and not fname: return elif np.ndim(fname) >= 2: return fname else: from PIL import Image with as _image: return Image.fromarray(np.array(_image.convert('RGBA')))
[docs] @docstrings.with_indent(8) def import_full_image(self, fname=None): """Import the straditizer image from an external file This method imports the :attr:`straditize.straditizer.Straditizer.image` from an external file and sets it to the current straditizer. Parameters ---------- %(StraditizerMenuActions._open_image.parameters)s""" image = self._open_image(fname) if image is not None: if self.straditizer is None: self.open_straditizer(image) else: self.straditizer.reset_image(image)
[docs] @docstrings.with_indent(8) def import_data_image(self, fname=None): """Import the data reader image from an external file This method imports the :attr:`straditize.binary.DataReader.image` from an external file and sets it to the current :attr:`~straditize.straditizer.Straditizer.data_reader`. Parameters ---------- %(StraditizerMenuActions._open_image.parameters)s See Also -------- import_binary_image: To import the binary file""" image = self._open_image(fname) if image is not None: self.straditizer.data_reader.reset_image(image)
[docs] @docstrings.with_indent(8) def import_binary_image(self, fname=None): """Import the binary data reader image from an external file This method imports the :attr:`straditize.binary.DataReader.binary` from an external file and sets it to the current :attr:`~straditize.straditizer.Straditizer.data_reader`. Parameters ---------- %(StraditizerMenuActions._open_image.parameters)s""" image = self._open_image(fname) if image is not None: self.straditizer.data_reader.reset_image(image, binary=True)
[docs] @docstrings.with_indent(8) def import_text_image(self, fname): """Import the column names reader image from an external file This method imports the :attr:`straditize.colnames.ColNamesReader.highres_image` from an external file and sets it to the current :attr:`~straditize.straditizer.Straditizer.colnames_reader`. Parameters ---------- %(StraditizerMenuActions._open_image.parameters)s""" image = self._open_image(fname) if image is not None: self.straditizer.colnames_reader.highres_image = image
[docs] def open_straditizer(self, fname=None, *args, **kwargs): """Open a straditizer from an image or project file Parameters ---------- fname: :class:`str`, :class:`PIL.Image.Image` or ``None`` The path to the file to import. If None, a QFileDialog is opened and the user is asked for a file name. The action then depends on the ending of ``fname``: ``'.nc'`` or ``'.nc4'`` we expect a netCDF file and open it with :func:`xarray.open_dataset` and load the straditizer with the :meth:`straditize.straditizer.Straditizer.from_dataset` constructor ``'.pkl'`` We expect a pickle file and load the straditizer with :func:`pickle.load` any other ending We expect an image file and use the :func:`` function At the end, the loading is finished with the :meth:`finish_loading` method""" from straditize.straditizer import Straditizer if fname is None or (not isinstance(fname, six.string_types) and np.ndim(fname) < 2): fname = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self.straditizer_widgets, 'Straditizer project', self._dirname_to_use or self._start_directory, 'Projects and images ' '(*.nc *.nc4 *.pkl *.jpeg *.jpg *.pdf *.png *.raw *.rgba *.tif' ' *.tiff);;' 'NetCDF files (*.nc *.nc4);;' 'Pickle files (*.pkl);;' 'All images ' '(*.jpeg *.jpg *.pdf *.png *.raw *.rgba *.tif *.tiff);;' 'Joint Photographic Experts Group (*.jpeg *.jpg);;' 'Portable Document Format (*.pdf);;' 'Portable Network Graphics (*.png);;' 'Raw RGBA bitmap (*.raw *.rbga);;' 'Tagged Image File Format(*.tif *.tiff);;' 'All files (*)' ) if with_qt5: # the filter is passed as well fname = fname[0] if not np.ndim(fname) and not fname: return elif np.ndim(fname) >= 2: stradi = Straditizer(fname, *args, **kwargs) elif fname.endswith('.nc') or fname.endswith('.nc4'): import xarray as xr ds = xr.open_dataset(fname) stradi = Straditizer.from_dataset(ds.load(), *args, **kwargs) stradi.set_attr('project_file', fname) ds.close() stradi.set_attr('loaded', str( elif fname.endswith('.pkl'): stradi = Straditizer.load(fname, *args, **kwargs) stradi.set_attr('project_file', fname) stradi.set_attr('loaded', str( else: from PIL import Image with as _image: image = Image.fromarray(np.array(_image.convert('RGBA')), 'RGBA') w, h = image.size im_size = w * h if im_size > 20e6: recom_frac = 17403188.0 / im_size answer = ( QMessageBox.Yes if self.straditizer_widgets.always_yes else QMessageBox.question( self.straditizer_widgets, "Large straditizer image", "This is a rather large image with %1.0f pixels. " "Shall I reduce it to %1.0f%% of it's size for a " "better interactive experience?<br>" "If not, you can rescale it via<br><br>" "Transform source image &rarr; Rescale image" % ( im_size, 100. * recom_frac))) if answer == QMessageBox.Yes: image = image.resize((int(round(w * recom_frac)), int(round(h * recom_frac)))) stradi = Straditizer(image, *args, **kwargs) stradi.set_attr('image_file', fname) self.finish_loading(stradi) self._dirname_to_use = None
[docs] def finish_loading(self, stradi): """Finish the opening of a straditizer This method sets the :attr:`straditizer.widgets.StraditizerWidgets.straditizer`, shows the straditizer image, creates the navigation sliders and sets the straditizer in the console Parameters ---------- stradi: straditize.straditizer.Straditizer The straditizer that just has been opened""" self.straditizer = stradi stradi.show_full_image() self.create_sliders(stradi) self.set_stradi_in_console() self.stack_zoom_window() self.straditizer_widgets.refresh()
[docs] def create_sliders(self, stradi): """Create sliders to navigate in the given axes Parameters ---------- stradi: straditize.straditizer.Straditizer The straditizer that just has been opened""" ax = try: manager = ax.figure.canvas.manager dock = manager.window fig_widget = manager.parent_widget except AttributeError: return from psyplot_gui.backend import FigureWidget import matplotlib.colors as mcol xs, ys = stradi.image.size fc = ax.figure.get_facecolor() rgb = tuple(np.round(np.array(mcol.to_rgb(fc)) * 255).astype(int)) slh = QtWidgets.QSlider(Qt.Horizontal) slv = QtWidgets.QSlider(Qt.Vertical) slh.setStyleSheet("background-color:rgb{};".format(rgb)) slv.setStyleSheet("background-color:rgb{};".format(rgb)) slh.setMaximum(xs) slv.setMaximum(ys) slv.setInvertedAppearance(True) vbox = QVBoxLayout() hbox = QHBoxLayout() vbox.setSpacing(0) hbox.setSpacing(0) hbox.addWidget(fig_widget) hbox.addWidget(slv) vbox.addLayout(hbox) vbox.addWidget(slh) w = FigureWidget() w.dock = dock w.setLayout(vbox) dock.setWidget(w) ax.callbacks.connect('xlim_changed', self.update_x_navigation_sliders) ax.callbacks.connect('ylim_changed', self.update_y_navigation_sliders) self.update_x_navigation_sliders(ax) self.update_y_navigation_sliders(ax) ref = weakref.ref(ax) slh.valueChanged.connect(self.set_ax_xlim(ref)) slv.valueChanged.connect(self.set_ax_ylim(ref))
[docs] @staticmethod def set_ax_xlim(ax_ref): """Define a function to update xlim from a given centered value Parameters ---------- ax_ref: matplotlib.axes.Axes The axes whose x-limits to update when the returned function is called Returns ------- callable The function that can be called with a `val` to set the x-center of the `ax_ref`""" def update(val): ax = ax_ref() if ax in _updating or ax is None: return _updating.append(ax) lims = ax.get_xlim() diff = (lims[1] - lims[0]) / 2 ax.set_xlim(val - diff, val + diff) ax.figure.canvas.draw_idle() _updating.remove(ax) return update
[docs] @staticmethod def set_ax_ylim(ax_ref): """Define a function to update ylim from a given centered value Parameters ---------- ax_ref: matplotlib.axes.Axes The axes whose y-limits to update when the returned function is called Returns ------- callable The function that can be called with a `val` to set the y-center of the `ax_ref`""" def update(val): ax = ax_ref() if ax in _updating or ax is None: return _updating.append(ax) lims = ax.get_ylim() diff = (lims[1] - lims[0]) / 2 ax.set_ylim(val - diff, val + diff) ax.figure.canvas.draw_idle() _updating.remove(ax) return update
[docs] @staticmethod def update_x_navigation_sliders(ax): """Update the horizontal navigation slider for the given `ax`` Set the horizontal slider of the straditizer figure depending on the x-limits of it's corresponding axes Parameters ---------- ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes The :attr:`` attribute of a straditizer """ w = ax.figure.canvas.manager.window.widget() slh = w.layout().itemAt(1).widget() xc = np.mean(ax.get_xlim()) slh.setValue(max(0, min(slh.maximum(), int(round(xc)))))
[docs] @staticmethod def update_y_navigation_sliders(ax): """Update the vertical navigation slider for the given `ax`` Set the vertical slider of the straditizer figure depending on the y-limits of it's corresponding axes Parameters ---------- ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes The :attr:`` attribute of a straditizer """ w = ax.figure.canvas.manager.window.widget() slv = w.layout().itemAt(0).itemAt(1).widget() yc = np.mean(ax.get_ylim()) slv.setValue(max(0, min(slv.maximum(), int(round(yc)))))
[docs] def stack_zoom_window(self): """Stack the magnifier image above the help explorer""" from psyplot_gui.main import mainwindow if mainwindow.figures: found = False for stradi in self.straditizer_widgets._straditizers: if stradi is not self.straditizer and stradi.magni: ref_dock = found = True break if not found: ref_dock = mainwindow.help_explorer.dock dock = pos = mainwindow.dockWidgetArea(ref_dock) mainwindow.addDockWidget(pos, dock) if not found: mainwindow.addDockWidget(pos, ref_dock) else: mainwindow.tabifyDockWidget(ref_dock, dock) # show the zoom figure dock.widget().show_plugin() dock.raise_() mainwindow.figures.insert(-1, mainwindow.figures.pop(-1)) # show the straditizer figure mainwindow.figures[-1].widget().show_plugin() mainwindow.figures[-1].raise_()
[docs] def from_clipboard(self): """Open a straditizer from an Image in the clipboard This method uses the :func:`PIL.ImageGrab.grabclipboard` function to open a new straditizer from the clipboard.""" from PIL import ImageGrab from straditize.straditizer import Straditizer image = ImageGrab.grabclipboard() if np.shape(image)[-1] == 3: image.putalpha(255) stradi = Straditizer(image) return self.finish_loading(stradi)
[docs] def save_straditizer(self): """Save the straditizer to a file""" try: fname = self.straditizer.attrs.loc['project_file', 0] except KeyError: fname = None return self.save_straditizer_as(fname)
[docs] def save_straditizer_as(self, fname=None): """Save the straditizer to a file Parameters ---------- fname: str or ``None`` If None, a QFileDialog is opened and the user has to provide a filename. The final action then depends on the ending of the chose file: ``'.pkl'`` We save the straditizer with :meth:`pickle.dump` else We use the :meth:`straditize.straditizer.Straditizer.to_dataset` method and save the resulting dataset using the :meth:`xarray.Dataset.to_netcdf` method""" if fname is None or not isinstance(fname, six.string_types): fname = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self.straditizer_widgets, 'Straditizer file destination', self._start_directory, ('NetCDF files (*.nc *.nc4);;Pickle files (*.pkl);;' 'All files (*)') ) if with_qt5: # the filter is passed as well fname = fname[0] if not fname: return ending = os.path.splitext(fname)[1] self.straditizer.set_attr('saved', str( self.straditizer.set_attr('project_file', fname) if ending == '.pkl': else: ds = self.straditizer.to_dataset() # -- Compression with a level of 4. Requires netcdf4 engine comp = dict(zlib=True, complevel=4) encoding = {var: comp for var in ds.data_vars} ds.to_netcdf(fname, encoding=encoding, engine='netcdf4')
@docstrings.get_sectionsf('StraditizerMenuActions._save_image') def _save_image(self, image, fname=None): """Save an image to a file Parameters ---------- image: PIL.Image.Image The image to save fname: str or None The path of the target filename where to save the `image`. If None, A QFileDialog is opened and we ask the user for a filename""" if fname is None or not isinstance(fname, six.string_types): fname = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self.straditizer_widgets, 'Straditizer file destination', self._start_directory, 'All images ' '(*.png *.jpeg *.jpg *.pdf *.tif *.tiff);;' 'Joint Photographic Experts Group (*.jpeg *.jpg);;' 'Portable Document Format (*.pdf);;' 'Portable Network Graphics (*.png);;' 'Tagged Image File Format(*.tif *.tiff);;' 'All files (*)' ) if with_qt5: # the filter is passed as well fname = fname[0] if not fname: return ext = osp.splitext(fname)[1] if ext.lower() in ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.pdf'] and image.mode == 'RGBA': image = rgba2rgb(image) docstrings.keep_params('StraditizerMenuActions._save_image.parameters', 'fname')
[docs] @docstrings.with_indent(8) def save_text_image(self, fname=None): """Save the image of the colnames reader Save the :attr:`straditize.colnames.ColNamesReader.image` of the current :attr:`~straditize.straditizer.Straditizer.colnames_reader` Parameters ---------- %(StraditizerMenuActions._save_image.parameters.fname)s """ reader = self.straditizer.colnames_reader self._save_image(reader.highres_image, fname)
[docs] def save_full_image(self, fname=None): """Save the image of the straditizer Save the :attr:`straditize.straditizer.Straditizer.image` of the current :attr:`~straditize.widgets.StraditizerWidgets.straditizer` Parameters ---------- %(StraditizerMenuActions._save_image.parameters.fname)s """ self._save_image(self.straditizer.image, fname)
[docs] def save_data_image(self, fname=None): """Save the binary image of the data reader Save the :attr:`straditize.binary.DataReader.binary` of the current :attr:`~straditize.straditizer.Straditizer.data_reader` Parameters ---------- %(StraditizerMenuActions._save_image.parameters.fname)s """ arr = np.tile(self.straditizer.data_reader.binary[:, :, np.newaxis], (1, 1, 4)) arr[..., 3] *= 255 arr[..., :3] = 0 image = Image.fromarray(arr.astype(np.uint8), 'RGBA') self._save_image(image, fname)
[docs] def set_stradi_in_console(self): """Set the straditizer in the console of the GUI mainwindow This sets the current :attr:`~straditize.widgets.StraditizerWidgets.straditizer` in psyplots :attr:`~psyplot_gui.main.MainWindow.console` as the ``stradi`` variable """ from psyplot_gui.main import mainwindow global straditizer straditizer = self.straditizer if mainwindow is not None: mainwindow.console.run_command_in_shell( 'from %s import straditizer as stradi' % __name__) straditizer = None
@docstrings.get_sectionsf('StraditizerMenuActions._export_df') def _export_df(self, df, fname=None): """Export a data frame to a file This method opens an :class:`ExportDfDialog` to save a data frame Parameters ---------- df: pandas.DataFrame The dataframe to save fname: str or None The path of the target filename where to save the `df` (see the :meth:`ExportDialog.export_df`)""" ExportDfDialog.export_df(self.straditizer_widgets, df, self.straditizer, fname) docstrings.keep_params('StraditizerMenuActions._export_df.parameters', 'fname')
[docs] @docstrings.with_indent(8) def export_final(self, fname=None): """Export the final results This method exports the :attr:`straditize.straditizer.Straditizer.final_df` of the current :attr:`~straditize.widgets.StraditizerWidgets.straditizer` Parameters ---------- %(StraditizerMenuActions._export_df.parameters.fname)s""" try: df = self.straditizer.final_df except Exception as e: self.straditizer_widgets.error_msg.showTraceback( e.message if six.PY2 else str(e)) else: self._export_df(df, fname)
[docs] @docstrings.with_indent(8) def export_full(self, fname=None): """Export the full digitized data This method exports the :attr:`straditize.straditizer.Straditizer.full_df` of the current :attr:`~straditize.widgets.StraditizerWidgets.straditizer` Parameters ---------- %(StraditizerMenuActions._export_df.parameters.fname)s""" self._export_df(self.straditizer.full_df, fname)
[docs] def refresh(self): stradi = self.straditizer import_stradi_action = getattr(self, 'import_full_image_action', None) if stradi is None: for w in filter(lambda w: w is not import_stradi_action, self.all_actions): w.setEnabled(False) else: if stradi.data_reader is None: for w in self.data_actions: w.setEnabled(False) else: reader = stradi.data_reader self.export_data_image_action.setEnabled(True) self.import_binary_image_action.setEnabled(True) self.import_data_image_action.setEnabled(True) self.export_full_action.setEnabled(reader.full_df is not None) self.export_final_action.setEnabled(reader.full_df is not None) for w in self.text_actions: w.setEnabled(stradi.colnames_reader is not None) for w in self.save_actions: w.setEnabled(True)
[docs] def setup_children(self, item): tree = self.straditizer_widgets.tree # import menu import_child = QTreeWidgetItem(0) item.addChild(import_child) self.btn_import = QToolButton() self.btn_import.setText('Import images') self.btn_import.setMenu(self.import_images_menu) self.btn_import.setPopupMode(QToolButton.InstantPopup) tree.setItemWidget(import_child, 0, self.btn_import) # export menu export_child = QTreeWidgetItem(0) item.addChild(export_child) self.btn_export = QToolButton() self.btn_export.setText('Export images') self.btn_export.setMenu(self.export_images_menu) self.btn_export.setPopupMode(QToolButton.InstantPopup) tree.setItemWidget(export_child, 0, self.btn_export)