Source code for straditize.widgets.progress_widget

"""Progress widget for the straditization

The ProgressWidget defined here is a ListWidget to show the current state
of the stradititization.


Copyright (C) 2018-2019  Philipp S. Sommer

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>."""
import os.path as osp
import datetime as dt
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtGui, QtCore
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from psyplot_gui.common import get_icon as get_psy_icon
from straditize.widgets import StraditizerControlBase, get_doc_file, doc_files
from collections import OrderedDict
from import get_reader_name, int_list2str

ALL_TASKS = 'all'
DONE = 'done'
NOTYET = 'not yet ready'
TASK_TODO = 'todo'

icons = {DONE: get_psy_icon('valid.png'),
         NOTYET: get_psy_icon('warning.png'),
         TASK_TODO: get_psy_icon('invalid.png'),

[docs]class ProgressTask(QtWidgets.QListWidgetItem): """The base class for an item that should be shown in the ProgressWidget""" @property def is_finished(self): """A property that is True, when the task is finished""" return True @property def try_finished(self): """Same as :attr:`is_finished` but catches every exception""" try: return self.is_finished except Exception: pass @property def done_by_user(self): """boolean that is True, when the task is marked as done by the user""" stradi = self.straditizer return stradi is not None and in stradi._done_tasks @done_by_user.setter def done_by_user(self, value): stradi = self.straditizer if stradi is not None: if value: stradi._done_tasks.add( else: stradi._done_tasks.difference_update({}) #: Boolean that is True if the task is ready to be solved is_ready = True @property def done(self): """True if :attr:`is_finished` or :attr:`done_by_user`""" return self.done_by_user or ( self.is_ready and all(t.done for t in self.dependencies_tasks) and self.try_finished) #: The name of the task name = '' #: The summary of the task that is shown in the progress widget summary = '' #: The tooltip of the item task_tooltip = '' #: The tooltip when the straditizer is done. If None, the #: :attr:`task_tooltip` is used done_tooltip = None #: List of :attr:`name` attributes that this task is depending on dependencies = [] #: rst file that should be displayed on double click. The filename shuould #: be without .rst ending. rst_file = None @property def dependencies_tasks(self): list_widget = self.listWidget() dependencies = self.dependencies return [item for item in map(list_widget.item, range(list_widget.count())) if in dependencies] @property def progress_widget(self): """The progress widget that shows this task""" return self.listWidget().parent() @property def straditizer(self): """The straditizer of the GUI""" return self.progress_widget.straditizer @property def data_reader(self): """The data reader of the straditizer""" return self.straditizer.data_reader @property def colnames_reader(self): """The column names reader of the straditizer""" return self.straditizer.colnames_reader @property def state(self): """The state of the task""" if self.done: return DONE elif not self.is_ready or not all( task.done for task in self.dependencies_tasks): return NOTYET else: return TASK_TODO
[docs] def refresh(self): pw = self.progress_widget state = self.state icon = icons[state] visible = pw.visible_tasks in ['all', state] self.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(icon)) self.setHidden(not visible) if self.done: try: tt = self.done_tooltip except Exception: tt = '' if tt is None: tt = self.task_tooltip else: tt = self.task_tooltip self.setToolTip(tt)
def __init__(self, parent): """ Parameters ---------- parent: QListWidget The list that holds this item """ super().__init__(self.summary, parent)
[docs]class InitStraditizerTask(ProgressTask): """The task to initialize a straditizer""" name = 'init_stradi' summary = 'Load an image or project' task_tooltip = 'Load a straditizer image or project to get started' rst_file = 'load_image' @property def done_tooltip(self): try: image = self.straditizer.get_attr('image_file') except KeyError: return "Loaded diagram" else: return "Loaded " + (osp.basename(image) if image else "diagram") @property def is_finished(self): return self.straditizer is not None
[docs]class DataLimitsTask(ProgressTask): """The task to check the data limits""" name = 'datalim' summary = 'Limits of the diagram' task_tooltip = ('Specify the corners for the data part of the diagram by ' 'clicking the <i>Select data part</i> button') rst_file = 'select_data_part' dependencies = ['init_stradi'] @property def done_tooltip(self): stradi = self.straditizer return "Data limits are set to x={} and y={}".format( tuple(stradi.data_xlim), tuple(stradi.data_ylim)) @property def is_finished(self): return self.straditizer.data_xlim is not None
[docs]class DataReaderTask(ProgressTask): """A task for initializing the reader""" name = 'init_reader' summary = 'Initialize the diagram reader' task_tooltip = ('Choose the appropriate reader type and click the ' '<i>Convert image</i> button') rst_file = 'select_reader' dependencies = ['datalim'] @property def is_finished(self): return self.straditizer.data_reader is not None @property def done_tooltip(self): reader = self.straditizer.data_reader return "Initialized <i>%s</i> reader" % (get_reader_name(reader) or '')
[docs]class ColumnsTask(ProgressTask): """A task to separate columns""" name = 'columns' summary = 'Separate the columns' task_tooltip = ('Separate the columns (subdiagrams) of the stratigraphic ' 'diagram') rst_file = 'select_column_starts' dependencies = ['init_reader'] @property def is_finished(self): return self.data_reader._column_starts is not None @property def done_tooltip(self): ncols = len(self.data_reader._column_starts) return 'Marked %i columns' % ncols
[docs]class RemoveArtifactsTask(ProgressTask): """Task to clean the binary image""" name = 'remove_artifacts' summary = 'Clean the diagram image' task_tooltip = ('Remove all artifacts in the diagram part that do not ' 'represent data. Mark this task as done when you are ' 'finished.') rst_file = 'removing_features' dependencies = ['columns'] @property def is_finished(self): return (self.data_reader._full_df is not None and len(self.data_reader._full_df)) @property def done_tooltip(self): if self.try_finished: return 'The data has been digitized'
[docs]class RemoveLinesTask(RemoveArtifactsTask): """Task to remove y-axes, x-axes, horizontal and vertical lines""" name = 'remove_lines' summary = 'Remove y-, x-axes and other lines' task_tooltip = ('In order to clean the diagram part, remove all vertical ' 'and horizontal lines in the reader image. Mark this task ' 'as done when you are finished.') rst_file = 'remove_lines' dependencies = ['columns'] @property def is_finished(self): return (len(self.data_reader.vline_locs) and len(self.data_reader.hline_locs)) or super().is_finished @property def done_tooltip(self): if (len(self.data_reader.vline_locs) and len(self.data_reader.hline_locs)): return '%i vertical and %i horizontal lines have been removed' % ( len(self.data_reader.vline_locs), len(self.data_reader.hline_locs)) else: return super().done_tooltip
[docs]class OccurencesTask(ProgressTask): """Task to handle occurences""" name = 'occurences' summary = 'Select occurence markers' task_tooltip = ('Pollen diagrams often have markers for low taxon ' 'percentages to show their occurence. Mark this task as ' 'done if your diagram does not have them.') rst_file = 'occurences' dependencies = ['columns'] @property def is_finished(self): return bool(self.data_reader.occurences) @property def done_tooltip(self): return "Marked %i occurences" % len(self.data_reader.occurences)
[docs]class SelectExaggerationsTask(ProgressTask): """Task to handle exaggerations""" name = 'exag' summary = 'Select exagerations' task_tooltip = ('Pollen diagrams often display an exaggerated value of ' 'of the taxon percentage. You can select these ' 'exaggerations using the <i>Exaggerations</i> menu. ' 'Mark this task as done if your diagram does not have ' 'them.') rst_file = 'exaggerations' dependencies = ['columns'] @property def is_finished(self): return self.data_reader.exaggerated_reader is not None @property def done_tooltip(self): return "Created exaggerations reader"
[docs]class DigitizeTask(ProgressTask): """Task to digitize the data""" name = 'digitize' summary = 'Digitize the diagram' task_tooltip = 'Click the `Digitize` button to digitize the diagram' rst_file = 'digitize' dependencies = ['remove_artifacts', 'remove_lines'] @property def is_finished(self): return (self.data_reader._full_df is not None and len(self.data_reader._full_df)) @property def done_tooltip(self): if self.try_finished: return 'The data has been digitized'
[docs]class SamplesTask(ProgressTask): """Task to edit and find samples""" name = 'samples' summary = 'Find and edit the samples' rst_file = 'samples' task_tooltip = 'Find and edit the samples using the `Edit samples` menu' dependencies = ['digitize'] @property def is_finished(self): locs = self.data_reader._sample_locs return locs is not None and len(locs) @property def done_tooltip(self): return 'Found %i samples' % len(self.data_reader._sample_locs)
[docs]class YTranslationTask(ProgressTask): """Task to specify the y-axis conversion from pixel to data units""" name = 'yaxis_trans' summary = "Transform the y-axis" rst_file = 'yaxis_translation' task_tooltip = "Transform the y-axis from pixel to data units" dependencies = ['init_reader'] @property def is_finished(self): return self.straditizer._yaxis_px_orig is not None @property def done_tooltip(self): px2data = self.straditizer.px2data_y return "Transforming 1 pixel to %1.4g data units" % ( np.diff(px2data(np.array([0, 1])))[0])
[docs]class XTranslationTask(ProgressTask): """Task to specify the x-axes conversion from pixel to data units""" name = 'xaxes_trans' summary = 'Transform the x-axes' rst_file = 'xaxis_translation' dependencies = ['columns'] @property def task_tooltip(self): try: finished = self.is_finished except AttributeError: return "Transform the x-axes from pixel to data units" else: if finished: return self.done_tooltip elif self.data_reader._column_starts is None: return "Transform the x-axes from pixel to data units" else: reader = self.data_reader columns = [r.columns for r in reader.iter_all_readers if r._xaxis_px_orig is None and not r.is_exaggerated] return ("Transform the x-axes from pixel to data units for " "columns<ul>%s</ul>" % ( ''.join('<li>%s</li>' % int_list2str(cols) for cols in columns))) @property def is_finished(self): return (self.data_reader._column_starts is not None and all(reader._xaxis_px_orig is not None for reader in self.data_reader.iter_all_readers)) @property def done_tooltip(self): reader = self.data_reader readers = filter(lambda r: not r.is_exaggerated, reader.iter_all_readers) ret = "Transforming 1 pixel to<ul>" for reader in readers: s = reader.column_starts[0] px2data = reader.px2data_x ret += "<li>%1.4g data units for columns %s</li>" % ( np.diff(px2data(np.array([s, s+1])))[0], int_list2str(reader.columns)) return ret + "</ul>"
[docs]class ColumnNamesTask(ProgressTask): """Task to specify the column names""" name = 'column_names' summary = 'Specify the column names' task_tooltip = ('Click the <i>Edit column names</i> button to insert the ' 'names for each column/variable in the diagram') rst_file = 'column_names' dependencies = ['columns'] @property def is_finished(self): return self.colnames_reader.column_names != list(map( str, range(len(self.data_reader.all_column_starts)))) @property def done_tooltip(self): return "The column names are " + ', '.join( self.colnames_reader.column_names)
[docs]class ExportTask(ProgressTask): """Task to export the final results""" name = 'export' summary = 'Export the final data' task_tooltip = 'Export the final data' rst_file = 'export' dependencies = ['samples'] @property def is_finished(self): return self.straditizer.get_attr('exported') is not None @property def done_tooltip(self): return "Exported to {}".format(self.straditizer.get_attr('exported'))
[docs]class SaveProjectTask(ProgressTask): """Task to remember saving the project""" name = 'save_project' summary = 'Save the straditizer' dependencies = ['init_stradi'] rst_file = 'save_and_load' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.refresh_timer = QtCore.QTimer(self.progress_widget) self.refresh_timer.timeout.connect(self.refresh) self.refresh_timer.start(60000) self.tooltip_timer = QtCore.QTimer(self.progress_widget) self.tooltip_timer.timeout.connect(self.refresh_tooltip) self.tooltip_timer.start(5000)
[docs] def refresh_tooltip(self): self.setToolTip(self.task_tooltip)
@property def is_finished(self): """True if the project was saved less than 5 minutes ago""" try: loaded = self.straditizer.get_attr('loaded') except (KeyError, AttributeError): pass else: if ( - pd.to_datetime(loaded)).seconds < 300: return True saved = self.straditizer.get_attr('saved') td = - pd.to_datetime(saved) return td.seconds < 300 @property def task_tooltip(self): try: saved = self.straditizer.get_attr('saved') except KeyError: return "The Project has never been saved!" except AttributeError: return "No project is open to save" else: try: loaded = self.straditizer.get_attr('loaded') except (KeyError, AttributeError): pass else: if saved < loaded: return 'The project has not been saved in this session' td = - pd.to_datetime(saved) return 'Last saved %i minutes and %i seconds ago' % ( (td.seconds // 60) % 60, td.seconds % 60)
[docs] def tooltip(self): return self.task_tooltip
[docs]class ProgressWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget, StraditizerControlBase): """A widget to show the progress of the straditization""" #: A QListWidget to display the :class:`ProgressTask` instances progress_list = None #: A QComboBox to select which tasks to display (todo, done, not yet ready #: or all tasks) combo_display = None #: A QLabel to display the tooltip of the selected task info_label = None def __init__(self, straditizer_widgets, item): super().__init__() self.init_straditizercontrol(straditizer_widgets, item) self.combo_display = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.combo_display.setEditable(False) for state in [TASK_TODO, DONE, NOTYET]: self.combo_display.addItem(QtGui.QIcon(icons[state]), state) self.combo_display.addItem(ALL_TASKS) self.progress_list = QtWidgets.QListWidget() self.info_label = QtWidgets.QLabel() self.info_label.setWordWrap(True) self.info_label.setStyleSheet('border: 1px solid black') vbox = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(self.combo_display) vbox.addWidget(self.progress_list) vbox.addWidget(self.info_label) self.setLayout(vbox) self.populate_list() self.setup_menu() self.refresh() self.combo_display.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.refresh) self.progress_list.itemDoubleClicked.connect(self.show_rst) self.progress_list.currentItemChanged.connect(self.show_rst) self.progress_list.currentItemChanged.connect(self.update_info_label)
[docs] def update_info_label(self, item, old=None): """Update the :attr:`info_label` from a :class:`ProgressTask` Parameters ---------- item: ProgressTask The selected task whose tooltip the :attr:`info_label` shall display old: ProgressTask The old task that has been selected previously (this parameter is ignored)""" tt = item.toolTip() self.info_label.setText(tt) self.info_label.setVisible(bool(tt.strip()) and not item.isHidden())
[docs] def show_rst(self, item, old=None): """Show the documentation corresponding to a :class:`ProgressTask Parameters ---------- item: ProgressTask The task to display it's :attr:`rst_file` in the :attr:`psyplot_gui.main.MainWindow.help_explorer` old: ProgressTask The old task that has been selected previously (this parameter is ignored)""" from psyplot_gui.main import mainwindow if item.rst_file: try: mainwindow.help_explorer.viewer.browse(item.rst_file) self.progress_list.setFocus() except AttributeError: with open(get_doc_file(item.rst_file + '.rst')) as f: doc = mainwindow.help_explorer.show_rst( doc, item.rst_file, files=list(set(doc_files) - {item.rst_file}))
[docs] def setup_menu(self): """Set up the context menu""" = menu = QtWidgets.QMenu(self) self._done_action = menu.addAction( 'Mark as done', self.toggle_done_by_user) menu.addAction('Show docs', lambda: self.show_rst( self.progress_list.selectedItems()[0]))
[docs] def toggle_done_by_user(self): item = self.progress_list.selectedItems()[0] current = item.done_by_user item.done_by_user = not current self.refresh()
[docs] def contextMenuEvent(self, event): """Reimplement Qt method""" items = self.progress_list.selectedItems() if items: action = self._done_action action.setEnabled(self.straditizer is not None) item = items[0] finished = item.try_finished if item.done_by_user and not finished: action.setText('Mark as undone') elif not finished: action.setText('Mark as done') else: action.setEnabled(False) event.accept()
[docs] def populate_list(self): """Populate the :attr:`progress_list` This method adds instances of the :class:`ProgressTask` class (or it's subclasses) to the the :attr:`progress_list`""" pl = self.progress_list pl.addItem(InitStraditizerTask(pl)) pl.addItem(DataLimitsTask(pl)) pl.addItem(DataReaderTask(pl)) pl.addItem(ColumnsTask(pl)) pl.addItem(RemoveArtifactsTask(pl)) pl.addItem(RemoveLinesTask(pl)) pl.addItem(SelectExaggerationsTask(pl)) pl.addItem(DigitizeTask(pl)) pl.addItem(SamplesTask(pl)) pl.addItem(YTranslationTask(pl)) pl.addItem(XTranslationTask(pl)) pl.addItem(ColumnNamesTask(pl)) pl.addItem(ExportTask(pl)) pl.addItem(SaveProjectTask(pl))
[docs] def refresh(self): progress_list = self.progress_list states = OrderedDict([(TASK_TODO, 0), (DONE, 0), (NOTYET, 0), (ALL_TASKS, progress_list.count())]) self.visible_tasks = list(states.keys())[ self.combo_display.currentIndex()] for item in map(progress_list.item, range(progress_list.count())): item.refresh() states[item.state] += 1 for i, (state, count) in enumerate(states.items()): self.combo_display.setItemText( i, '%i task%s %s' % (count, 's' if count > 1 else '', state)) self.combo_display.setItemText( 3, 'all %i tasks' % progress_list.count()) if not self.progress_list.selectedItems(): self.info_label.setVisible(False) else: self.update_info_label(self.progress_list.selectedItems()[0])