Source code for straditize.widgets.tutorial.beginner

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The tutorial of straditize

This module contains a guided tour to get started with straditize


Copyright (C) 2018-2019  Philipp S. Sommer

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
import os
import os.path as osp
import shutil
import glob
from itertools import chain
import numpy as np
from straditize.widgets import StraditizerControlBase, get_icon, get_doc_file
import straditize.cross_mark as cm
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtCore, QtGui
from psyplot_gui.common import get_icon as get_psy_icon, DockMixin
from psyplot_gui.help_explorer import UrlHelp
import pandas as pd

[docs]class TutorialDocs(UrlHelp, DockMixin): """A documentation viewer for the tutorial docs This viewer is accessible through the :attr:`Tutorial.tutorial_docs` attribute and shows the :attr:`~TutorialPage.src_file` for the tutorial :attr:`~Tutorial.pages`""" dock_position = QtCore.Qt.RightDockWidgetArea title = 'Straditize tutorial' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): from psyplot_gui.main import mainwindow super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.bt_connect_console.setChecked(False) self.bt_lock.setChecked(False) self._orig_bt_url_lock = self.bt_url_lock self.bt_url_lock = mainwindow.help_explorer.viewers[ 'HTML help'].bt_url_lock self._orig_bt_url_lock.setVisible(False) self.bt_connect_console.setVisible(False) self.bt_lock.setVisible(False) self.bt_url_menus.setVisible(False)
[docs]class TutorialNavigation(QtWidgets.QWidget): """A widget for navigating through the tutorial. It has a button to go to the previous step and to go to the next step. Furthermore it has a progressbar implemented a `hint` button""" #: Signal that is emitted, when the step changes. The first integer is the #: old step, the second one the current step step_changed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int, int) #: Signal that is emitted if the hint of the current step is requested hint_requested = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int) #: Signal that is emitted, if the step is skipped skipped = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int) #: The current step in the tutorial current_step = 0 def __init__(self, nsteps, validate, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- nsteps: int The total number of steps in the :class:`Tutorial` validate: callable A callable that takes the :attr:`current_step` as an argument and returns a :class:`bool` whether the current step is valid and finished, or not """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.enabled = True self.nsteps = nsteps self.validate = validate self.lbl_progress = QtWidgets.QLabel() self.progress_bar = QtWidgets.QProgressBar() self.progress_bar.setMinimum(1) self.progress_bar.setMaximum(nsteps + 1) self.btn_prev = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Back') self.btn_next = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Next') self.btn_skip = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Skip') self.btn_hint = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Hint') self.btn_info = QtWidgets.QToolButton() self.btn_info.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(get_psy_icon('info.png'))) self.set_current_step(0) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------- Layouts --------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------- layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() hbox = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() hbox.addWidget(self.lbl_progress) hbox.addStretch(0) hbox.addWidget(self.btn_info) layout.addLayout(hbox) layout.addWidget(self.progress_bar) button_box = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() button_box.addWidget(self.btn_prev) button_box.addStretch(0) button_box.addWidget(self.btn_hint) button_box.addWidget(self.btn_skip) button_box.addStretch(0) button_box.addWidget(self.btn_next) layout.addLayout(button_box) self.setLayout(layout) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------- Connections ----------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.btn_prev.clicked.connect(self.goto_prev_step) self.btn_next.clicked.connect(self.goto_next_step) self.btn_hint.clicked.connect(self.display_hint) self.btn_skip.clicked.connect(self.skip) self.btn_info.clicked.connect(self.show_info)
[docs] def setEnabled(self, enable): """Enable or disable the navigation buttons Parameters ---------- enable: bool Whether to enable or disable the buttons""" for w in [self.btn_prev, self.btn_next, self.btn_skip, self.btn_info]: w.setEnabled(enable) if enable: self.maybe_enable_widgets() self.enabled = enable
[docs] def maybe_enable_widgets(self): """Enable the buttons based on the :attr:`current_step`""" i = self.current_step if i == 0: self.btn_next.setEnabled(True) self.btn_skip.setEnabled(False) self.btn_hint.setEnabled(True) elif i < self.nsteps + 1: self.btn_next.setEnabled(True) self.btn_skip.setEnabled(True) self.btn_hint.setEnabled(True) else: self.btn_next.setEnabled(False) self.btn_skip.setEnabled(False) self.btn_hint.setEnabled(False) self.btn_prev.setEnabled(i > 0)
[docs] def show_info(self): """Trigger the :attr:`step_changed` signal with the current step""" self.step_changed.emit(self.current_step, self.current_step)
[docs] def display_hint(self): """Trigger the :attr:`hint_requested` signal with the current step""" self.hint_requested.emit(self.current_step)
[docs] def set_current_step(self, i): """Change the :attr:`current_step` Parameters ---------- i: int The :attr:`current_step` to switch to""" self.current_step = i self.progress_bar.setValue(i) self.btn_next.setText('Next') if i == 0: self.lbl_progress.setText('Start by clicking the %s button' % ( self.btn_next.text())) elif i < self.nsteps + 1: self.lbl_progress.setText('Step %i/%i' % (i, self.nsteps)) else: self.progress_bar.setValue(i+1) self.lbl_progress.setText('Done!') self.btn_next.setText('Done') self.maybe_enable_widgets()
[docs] def goto_next_step(self): """Increase the :attr:`current_step` by one""" if self.validate(self.current_step): if self.current_step <= self.nsteps: self.set_current_step(self.current_step + 1) self.step_changed.emit(self.current_step - 1, self.current_step) else: self.set_current_step(self.current_step)
[docs] def goto_prev_step(self): """Decrease the :attr:`current_step` by one""" if self.current_step > 0: self.set_current_step(self.current_step - 1) self.step_changed.emit(self.current_step + 1, self.current_step)
[docs] def skip(self): """Skip the :attr:`current_step` and emit the :attr:`skipped` signal """ self.skipped.emit(self.current_step) self.goto_next_step()
[docs]class TutorialPage(object): """A base class for the tutorial pages Subclasses show implement the :meth:`show_hint` method and the :meth:`is_finished` property""" #: The source directory for the docs src_dir = osp.join(osp.dirname(__file__), 'beginner') #: The basename of the stratigraphic diagram image for this tutorial src_base = 'beginner-tutorial.png' #: The complete path to the of the stratigraphic diagram image for this #: tutorial src_file = osp.join(src_dir, src_base) #: str. The tooltip that has been shown. This attribute is mainly for #: testing purposes _last_tooltip_shown = None def __init__(self, filename, tutorial): """ Parameters ---------- filename: str The basename (without ending) of the RST file corresponding to this tutorial page tutorial: Tutorial The tutorial instance""" self.filename = filename self.tutorial = tutorial self.straditizer_widgets = self.tutorial.straditizer_widgets
[docs] def show_hint(self): """Show a hint to the user""" pass
[docs] def activate(self): """Method that is called, when the page is activated""" pass
[docs] def deactivate(self): """Method that is called, when the page is deactivated""" pass
[docs] def hint(self): """A method that should display a hint to the user""" btn = self.tutorial.navigation.btn_next self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Click the %r button for the next step" % btn.text(), btn)
[docs] def skip(self): """Skip the steps in this page""" pass
[docs] def refresh(self): pass
@property def is_finished(self): """Boolean that is True, if the steps are all finished""" return True
[docs] def lock_viewer(self, lock): """Set or unset the url lock of the HTML viewer""" try: self.tutorial.tutorial_docs.bt_lock.setChecked(lock) except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def show(self): """Show the page and browse the :attr:`filename` in the tutorial docs """ try: self.lock_viewer(False) self.tutorial.tutorial_docs.browse(self.filename) self.lock_viewer(True) except AttributeError: with open(osp.join(self.src_dir, self.filename + '.rst')) as f: rst = self.tutorial.tutorial_docs.show_rst(rst, self.filename)
[docs] def show_tooltip_at_widget(self, tooltip, widget, timeout=20000): """Show a tooltip close to a widget Parameters ---------- tooltip: str The tooltip to display widget: QWidget The widget that should be close to the tooltip timeout: int The time that the tool tip shall be displayed, in milliseconds""" self._last_tooltip_shown = tooltip QtWidgets.QToolTip.showText( widget.parent().mapToGlobal(widget.pos()), tooltip, widget, self.straditizer_widgets.rect(), timeout)
[docs] def show_tooltip_in_plot(self, tooltip, x, y, timeout=20000, transform=None): """Show a tooltip in the matplotlib figure at the given coordinates Parameters ---------- tooltip: str The tooltip to display x: float The x-coordinate of where to display the tooltip y: float The y-coordinate of where to display the tooltip timeout: int The time that the tool tip shall be displayed, in milliseconds transform: matplotlib transformation The matplotlib transformation to use. If None, the :attr:`` transformation is used and `x` and `y` are expected to be in data coordinates""" self._last_tooltip_shown = tooltip stradi = self.straditizer_widgets.straditizer fig = canvas = fig.canvas # only implemented for PyQt backend if not isinstance(canvas, QtWidgets.QWidget): return if transform is None: transform = ax = xl = sorted(ax.get_xlim()) yl = sorted(ax.get_ylim()) if xl[0] > x or xl[1] < x: x = np.mean(xl) if yl[0] > y or yl[1] < y: y = np.mean(yl) x, y = fig.transFigure.inverted().transform( transform.transform([x, y])) size = canvas.size() height = size.height() width = size.width() point = canvas.mapToGlobal( QtCore.QPointF(x * width, height - y * height).toPoint()) QtWidgets.QToolTip.showText( point, tooltip, canvas, canvas.rect(), timeout)
@property def is_selecting(self): """True if the user clicked the btn_select_data button""" return self.straditizer_widgets.apply_button.isEnabled()
[docs]class Tutorial(StraditizerControlBase, TutorialPage): """A tutorial for digitizing an area diagram""" @property def current_page(self): """The current page of the tutorial (corresponding to the :attr:`TutorialNavigation.current_step`)""" return self.pages[self.navigation.current_step] @property def load_image_step(self): """The number of the page that loads the diagram image (i.e. the index of the :class:`LoadImage` instance in the :attr:`pages` attribute""" return next( (i for i, p in enumerate(self.pages) if isinstance(p, LoadImage)), 1) #: A list of the :class:`TutorialPages` for this tutorial pages = [] #: A :class:`TutorialDocs` to display the RST-files of the tutorial tutorial_docs = None #: A :class:`TutorialNavigation` to navigate through the tutorial navigation = None def __init__(self, straditizer_widgets): from psyplot_gui.main import mainwindow self.init_straditizercontrol(straditizer_widgets) self.tutorial = self self.central_widget_key = mainwindow.central_widget_key self.tutorial_docs = TutorialDocs() self.docs_key = ':'.join( [__name__, self.__class__.__name__, 'tutorial']) mainwindow.plugins[self.docs_key] = self.tutorial_docs self.tutorial_docs.to_dock(mainwindow) mainwindow.set_central_widget(self.tutorial_docs) self.setup_tutorial_pages() self.navigation = TutorialNavigation(len(self.pages) - 2, self.validate_page) layout = straditizer_widgets.layout() layout.insertWidget(layout.count() - 1, self.navigation) self.navigation.step_changed.connect(self.goto_page) self.navigation.hint_requested.connect(self.display_hint) self.navigation.skipped.connect(self.skip_page)
[docs] def get_doc_files(self): """Get the rst files for the tutorial Returns ------- str The path to the tutorial introduction file list of str The paths of the remaining tutorial files""" files = glob.glob(osp.join(self.src_dir, '*.rst')) + \ glob.glob(osp.join(self.src_dir, '*.png')) + \ glob.glob(get_doc_file('*.rst')) + \ glob.glob(get_psy_icon('*.png')) + \ glob.glob(get_doc_file('*.png')) + \ glob.glob(get_icon('*.png')) intro = files.pop(next( i for i, f in enumerate(files) if osp.basename(f).endswith('-tutorial-intro.rst'))) return intro, files
[docs] def show(self): """Show the documentation of the tutorial""" intro, files = self.get_doc_files() self.filename = osp.splitext(osp.basename(intro))[0] with open(intro) as f: rst = name = osp.splitext(osp.basename(intro))[0] self.lock_viewer(False) self.tutorial_docs.show_rst(rst, name, files=files)
[docs] def setup_tutorial_pages(self): """Setup the :attr:`pages` attribute and initialize the tutorial pages """ self.pages = [ self, ControlIntro('beginner-tutorial-control', self), LoadImage('beginner-tutorial-load-image', self), TutorialPage('beginner-tutorial-plot-navigation', self), SelectDataPart('beginner-tutorial-select-data', self), CreateReader('beginner-tutorial-create-reader', self), SeparateColumns('beginner-tutorial-column-starts', self), CleanImagePage('beginner-tutorial-clean-image', self), DigitizePage('beginner-tutorial-digitize', self), SamplesPage('beginner-tutorial-samples', self), TranslateYAxis('beginner-tutorial-yaxis-translation', self), TranslateXAxis('beginner-tutorial-xaxis-translation', self), ColumnNames('beginner-tutorial-column-names', self), FinishPage('beginner-tutorial-finish', self), ]
[docs] def refresh(self): stradi = self._get_tutorial_stradi() enable = stradi is None or self.straditizer is stradi self.navigation.setEnabled(enable) for page in self.pages[1:]: page.refresh() if (stradi is None and self.navigation.current_step > self.load_image_step): self.navigation.set_current_step(self.load_image_step)
def _get_tutorial_stradi(self): """Get the straditizer for this tutorial Returns ------- straditize.straditizer.Straditizer The straditizer for this tutorial or None if it is closed""" src_file = self.src_base get_attr = self.straditizer_widgets.get_attr for stradi in self.straditizer_widgets._straditizers: if (get_attr(stradi, 'image_file') and osp.basename(get_attr(stradi, 'image_file')) == src_file): return stradi
[docs] def close(self): """Close the tutorial and remove the widgets""" stradi = self._get_tutorial_stradi() if stradi is not None: self.straditizer_widgets._close_stradi(stradi) if hasattr(self, 'navigation'): self.straditizer_widgets.layout().removeWidget(self.navigation) del self.straditizer_widgets.tutorial for p in self.pages: del p.tutorial, p.straditizer_widgets self.pages.clear() del self.pages self.navigation.close() self.tutorial_docs.close() self.tutorial_docs.remove_plugin() del self.navigation del self.tutorial_docs
[docs] def goto_page(self, old, new): """Go to another page Parameters ---------- old: int The index of the old page in the :attr:`pages` attribute that is subject to be deactivated (see :meth:`TutorialPage.deactivate`) new: int The index of the new page in the :attr:`pages` attribute that is subject to be activated (see :meth:`TutorialPage.activate`) See Also -------- TutorialPage.activate TutorialPage.deactivate""" self.pages[old].deactivate() page = self.pages[new] page.activate()
[docs] def skip_page(self, i): """Skip a tutorial page Parameters ---------- i: int The index of the page in the :attr:`pages` attribute See Also -------- TutorialPage.skip""" self.pages[i].skip()
[docs] def display_hint(self, i): """Display the hint for a tutorial page Parameters ---------- i: int The index of the page in the :attr:`pages` attribute See Also -------- TutorialPage.hint""" stradi = self._get_tutorial_stradi() if stradi is None and i > self.load_image_step: self.navigation.set_current_step(self.load_image_step) elif stradi is not self.straditizer: self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Select the straditizer for the <i>%s</i> diagram" % ( self.src_base), self.straditizer_widgets.stradi_combo) else: self.pages[i].hint()
[docs] def validate_page(self, i, silent=False): """Validate a tutorial page Parameters ---------- i: int The index of the page in the :attr:`pages` attribute silent: bool If True, and the page is not yet finished (see :attr:`TutorialPage.is_finished`), the hint is displayed Returns ------- bool True, if the page :attr:`~TutorialPage.is_finished`""" ret = self.pages[i].is_finished if not silent and not ret: self.navigation.display_hint() return ret
[docs]class ControlIntro(TutorialPage): """Tutorial page for the control"""
[docs] def activate(self): dest = osp.join(self.tutorial.tutorial_docs.build_dir, '_static', 'straditizer-control.png') if not osp.exists(osp.dirname(dest)): os.makedirs(osp.dirname(dest)) shutil.copyfile( osp.join(self.src_dir, 'straditizer-control.png'), dest)
[docs]class LoadImage(TutorialPage): """TutorialPage for loading the straditizer image"""
[docs] def activate(self): sw = self.straditizer_widgets sw.menu_actions._dirname_to_use = self.src_dir
[docs] def deactivate(self): self.straditizer_widgets.menu_actions._dirname_to_use = None
@property def is_finished(self): stradi = self.tutorial.straditizer get_attr = self.straditizer_widgets.get_attr return stradi is not None and ( get_attr(stradi, 'image_file') and osp.basename( get_attr(stradi, 'image_file')) == self.src_base)
[docs] def hint(self): if self.is_finished: super().hint() else: self.show_tooltip_at_widget( 'Click here to load the <i>%s</i> image' % self.src_base, self.straditizer_widgets.btn_open_stradi)
[docs] def skip(self): self.straditizer_widgets.menu_actions.open_straditizer(self.src_file)
[docs]class SelectDataPart(TutorialPage): """TutorialPage for selecting the data part""" #: The reference x- and y- limits ref_lims = np.array([[258, 1803], [375, 1666]]) #: Valid ranges for xmin and xmax valid_xlims = np.array([[221, 263], [1730, 1922]]) #: Valid ranges for ymin and ymax valid_ylims = np.array([[346, 403], [1648, 1701]]) #: true if the data box should be removed at the end remove_data_box = True marks = [] @property def is_finished(self): stradi = self.tutorial.straditizer refx, refy = self.ref_lims if stradi.data_xlim is None: return False if not self.validate_corners(): return False if (self.remove_data_box and getattr(stradi, 'data_box', None) is not None): return False return True
[docs] def validate_corners(self): stradi = self.tutorial.straditizer for val, lim in zip(chain(stradi.data_xlim, stradi.data_ylim), chain(self.valid_xlims, self.valid_ylims)): if not lim.searchsorted(val) == 1: return False return True
[docs] def activate(self): self.straditizer_widgets.digitizer.btn_select_data.clicked.connect( self.clicked_correct_button)
[docs] def deactivate(self): self.straditizer_widgets.digitizer.btn_select_data.clicked.disconnect( self.clicked_correct_button)
correct_button_clicked = False
[docs] def clicked_correct_button(self): self.correct_button_clicked = True
[docs] def display_reference_marks(self): stradi = self.straditizer_widgets.straditizer p1, p2 = zip(*self.ref_lims) try: # interrupt the current timer self.timer.stop() except AttributeError: pass else: for t in self.timer.callbacks: t[0]() self.marks = marks = [ cm.CrossMarks(p1,, selectable=[], c='r', alpha=0.5), cm.CrossMarks(p2,, selectable=[], c='r', alpha=0.5)] stradi.draw_figure() self.timer = timer = timer.single_shot = True timer.add_callback(marks[0].remove) timer.add_callback(marks[1].remove) timer.add_callback(marks.clear) timer.add_callback(stradi.draw_figure) timer.add_callback(timer.stop) timer.add_callback(lambda: delattr(self, 'timer')) timer.start()
[docs] def skip(self): stradi = self.straditizer_widgets.straditizer if self.straditizer_widgets.cancel_button.isEnabled(): stradi.data_xlim, stradi.data_ylim = self.ref_lims self.clicked_correct_button() if getattr(stradi, 'data_box', None) is not None: stradi.remove_data_box() stradi.draw_figure() self.straditizer_widgets.refresh()
[docs] def is_valid_x(self, x): return np.array([self.valid_xlims[0].searchsorted(x) == 1, self.valid_xlims[1].searchsorted(x) == 1])
[docs] def is_valid_y(self, y): return np.array([self.valid_ylims[0].searchsorted(y) == 1, self.valid_ylims[1].searchsorted(y) == 1])
[docs] def check_mark(self, mark): valid = self.is_valid_x(mark.x) if any(valid): valid = self.is_valid_y(mark.y) if not any(valid): self.show_tooltip_in_plot( "<pre>Leftclick</pre> the mark and drag it to one of " "the diagram corners. e.g. x=%i, y=%i. Make sure, you exclude " "the x- and y-axes but include the diagram.\n\n" "One could also remove them later in the digitization, but it " "is easier to exlude them now." % tuple( self.ref_lims[:, 0]), *mark.pos) return any(valid)
[docs] def hint(self): sw = self.straditizer_widgets stradi = sw.straditizer refx, refy = self.ref_lims xlim = stradi.data_xlim ylim = stradi.data_ylim btn = sw.digitizer.btn_select_data pc_item = sw.plot_control_item pc = sw.plot_control if xlim is None and ( not self.correct_button_clicked or not self.is_selecting): if self.is_selecting: self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Wrong button clicked! Click cancel and use the " "<i>%s</i> button." % btn.text(), sw.cancel_button) else: self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Click the <i>%s</i> button to start" % btn.text(), sw.digitizer.btn_select_data) elif self.is_selecting: # currently creating marks marks = stradi.marks if not len(marks): self.show_tooltip_in_plot( "<pre>Shift+leftclick</pre> on one of the corners in the " "diagram to create a mark", refx[0], refy[0]) elif len(marks) == 1: mark = marks[0] if self.check_mark(mark): # display the tooltip in the other corner self.show_tooltip_in_plot( "<pre>Shift+leftclick</pre> on the other corners in " "the diagram to create a mark", *self.ref_lims[ np.c_[~self.is_valid_x(mark.x), ~self.is_valid_y(mark.y)].T]) elif len(marks) == 2: if self.check_mark(marks[0]) and self.check_mark(marks[1]): xlim = np.unique(np.ceil([m.x for m in marks])) ylim = np.unique(np.ceil([m.y for m in marks])) if len(xlim) == 1 or len(ylim) == 1: self.show_tooltip_in_plot( "<pre>Leftclick</pre> the marks and drag them " "close to the diagram corners. e.g. x=%i, y=%i " "and x=%i, y=%i" % (refx[0], refy[0], refx[1], refy[1]), *marks[1].pos) else: self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Done! Click the <i>Apply</i> button", sw.apply_button) return self.display_reference_marks() elif xlim is not None: if not self.validate_corners(): self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "You did not select the correct diagram corners. Click " "the <i>%s</i> button to modify your " "selection or the <i>Skip</i> button to proceed with the " "next step" % btn.text(), sw.digitizer.btn_select_data) elif (self.remove_data_box and getattr(stradi, 'data_box', None) is not None): if not pc_item.isExpanded(): sw.tree.scrollToItem(pc_item) self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Expand the <i>%s</i> item by clicking on the arrow " "to it's left" % pc_item.text(0), sw.tree.itemWidget(pc_item, 1)) else: row = list(pc.table.get_artists_funcs).index( 'Diagram part') sw.tree.scrollToItem(sw.marker_control_item) self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Click the cross to remove the red rectangle", pc.table.cellWidget(row, 1)) else: super().hint()
[docs]class CreateReader(TutorialPage): """The page for creating the reader""" @property def is_finished(self): return self.straditizer_widgets.straditizer.data_reader is not None
[docs] def skip(self): self.straditizer_widgets.straditizer.init_reader('area') self.straditizer_widgets.refresh()
[docs] def hint(self): if not self.is_finished: sw = self.straditizer_widgets btn = sw.digitizer.btn_init_reader sw.tree.scrollToItem(sw.digitizer_item) self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Click <i>%s</i> to initialize the reader for the diagram" % ( btn.text()), btn) else: super().hint()
[docs]class SeparateColumns(TutorialPage): """The page for separating the columns""" ncols = 4 @property def is_finished(self): reader = self.straditizer_widgets.straditizer.data_reader return (reader._column_starts is not None and len(reader._column_starts) == self.ncols)
[docs] def skip(self): reader = self.straditizer_widgets.straditizer.data_reader reader.reset_column_starts() reader._get_column_starts() self.straditizer_widgets.refresh() self.clicked_correct_button()
[docs] def activate(self): self.straditizer_widgets.digitizer.btn_column_starts.clicked.connect( self.clicked_correct_button)
[docs] def deactivate(self): sw = self.straditizer_widgets sw.digitizer.btn_column_starts.clicked.disconnect( self.clicked_correct_button)
correct_button_clicked = False
[docs] def clicked_correct_button(self): self.correct_button_clicked = True
[docs] def hint(self): sw = self.straditizer_widgets stradi = sw.straditizer reader = stradi.data_reader btn = sw.digitizer.btn_column_starts starts = reader._column_starts if starts is None and ( not self.correct_button_clicked or not self.is_selecting): if self.is_selecting: self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Wrong button clicked! Click cancel and use the " "<i>%s</i> button." % btn.text(), sw.cancel_button) else: self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Click the <i>%s</i> button to start" % btn.text(), btn) elif starts is not None and len(starts) != self.ncols: if self.is_selecting: self.show_tooltip_in_plot( "There are 28 columns in the diagram. Select all or " "cancel and hit the <i>Reset</i> button", stradi.data_xlim.mean(), stradi.data_ylim.mean()) else: self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "The diagram has 28 columns, not %i. Hit the <i>%s</i> " "button or modify the column starts." % ( len(starts), sw.digitizer.btn_reset_columns.text()), sw.digitizer.btn_reset_columns) elif self.is_selecting: # currently creating marks self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Done! Click the <i>Apply</i> button", sw.apply_button) elif starts is not None: super().hint()
[docs]class ColumnNames(TutorialPage): """The page for recognizing column names""" select_names_button_clicked = False #: The column names in the diagram column_names = [ 'Pinus', 'Juniperus', 'Quercus ilex-type', 'Chenopodiaceae'] @property def is_finished(self): sw = self.straditizer_widgets reader = sw.straditizer.colnames_reader return ( reader.column_names == self.column_names and not sw.colnames_manager.btn_select_names.isChecked())
[docs] def skip(self): self.straditizer_widgets.straditizer.colnames_reader.column_names = \ self.column_names btn = self.straditizer_widgets.colnames_manager.btn_select_names if btn.isChecked():
[docs] def activate(self): sw = self.straditizer_widgets sw.colnames_manager.btn_select_names.clicked.connect( self.clicked_select_names_button)
[docs] def deactivate(self): sw = self.straditizer_widgets sw.colnames_manager.btn_select_names.clicked.disconnect( self.clicked_select_names_button)
[docs] def clicked_select_names_button(self): self.select_names_button_clicked = True
[docs] def hint(self): reader = self.straditizer_widgets.straditizer.colnames_reader sw = self.straditizer_widgets btn = sw.colnames_manager.btn_select_names rc = sw.col_names_item is_finished = self.is_finished if not is_finished and (not self.select_names_button_clicked or not sw.colnames_manager.is_shown): sw.tree.scrollToItem(rc) if not rc.isExpanded(): self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Expand the <i>%s</i> item by clicking on the arrow to " "it's left" % rc.text(0), sw.tree.itemWidget(rc, 1)) else: self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Click the <i>%s</i> button" % btn.text(), btn) elif not is_finished: ncols = len(reader.column_bounds) if reader.column_names == list(map(str, range(ncols))): self.hint_for_start_editing() elif reader.column_names != self.column_names: i, (curr, ref) = next( t for t in enumerate(zip(reader.column_names, self.column_names)) if t[1][0] != t[1][1]) self.hint_for_wrong_name(i, curr, ref) elif btn.isChecked(): sw.tree.scrollToItem(rc) self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Click the <i>%s</i> button to finish" % btn.text(), btn) else: super().hint()
[docs] def hint_for_start_editing(self): from straditize.colnames import tesserocr if tesserocr is not None: btn = self.straditizer_widgets.colnames_manager.btn_find ocr = ' or click the <i>%s</i> button' % btn.text() else: ocr = '' self.show_tooltip_at_widget( 'Edit the column names in the table%s. You can zoom into ' 'the plot on the left using the `right` mouse button and ' 'navigate using the `left` mouse button' % ocr, self.straditizer_widgets.colnames_manager.colnames_table)
[docs] def hint_for_wrong_name(self, col, curr, ref): """Display a hint if a name is not correctly set""" manager = self.straditizer_widgets.colnames_manager if manager.current_col != col: self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Column name of the %s column (column %i) is not correct " "(%r != %r)!<br><br>" "Select the column in the table and enter the correct " "name or click the 'skip' button" % (ref, col, curr, ref), manager.colnames_table) else: self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Enter the correct name (%r)" % ref, manager.colnames_table)
[docs]class CleanImagePage(TutorialPage): """Tutorial page to clean the diagram part""" btn_remove_yaxes_clicked = btn_remove_xaxes_clicked = False
[docs] def skip(self): stradi = self.straditizer_widgets.straditizer reader = stradi.data_reader reader.recognize_yaxes(remove=True) reader.binary[:, 1797 - int(stradi.data_xlim[0]):] = 0 reader.recognize_xaxes(remove=True) stradi.draw_figure() self.clicked_btn_remove_xaxes() self.clicked_btn_remove_yaxes() self.straditizer_widgets.refresh()
@property def is_finished(self): stradi = self.straditizer_widgets.straditizer reader = stradi.data_reader if not len(reader.vline_locs) or not len(reader.hline_locs): return False elif (stradi.data_xlim[1] > 1797 and reader.binary[:, 1799 - stradi.data_xlim[0]].any()): return False return True
[docs] def activate(self): sw = self.straditizer_widgets sw.digitizer.btn_remove_yaxes.clicked.connect( self.clicked_btn_remove_yaxes) sw.digitizer.btn_remove_xaxes.clicked.connect( self.clicked_btn_remove_xaxes)
[docs] def deactivate(self): sw = self.straditizer_widgets sw.digitizer.btn_remove_yaxes.clicked.disconnect( self.clicked_btn_remove_yaxes) sw.digitizer.btn_remove_xaxes.clicked.disconnect( self.clicked_btn_remove_xaxes)
[docs] def clicked_btn_remove_yaxes(self): self.btn_remove_yaxes_clicked = True
[docs] def clicked_btn_remove_xaxes(self): self.btn_remove_xaxes_clicked = True
[docs] def icon_to_bytes(self, icon): buffer = QtCore.QBuffer() if isinstance(icon, str): icon = QtGui.QIcon(get_icon(icon)) pixmap = icon.pixmap(10, 10), "PNG", quality=100) image = bytes( return '<img src="data:image/png;base64,{}">'.format(image)
[docs] def hint(self): sw = self.straditizer_widgets stradi = sw.straditizer reader = stradi.data_reader btn_x = sw.digitizer.btn_remove_xaxes btn_y = sw.digitizer.btn_remove_yaxes rc = sw.digitizer.remove_child rlc = sw.digitizer.remove_line_child if not len(reader.vline_locs) or not len(reader.hline_locs): if not rc.isExpanded(): sw.tree.scrollToItem(rc) self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Expand the <i>%s</i> item by clicking on the arrow to " "it's left" % rc.text(0), sw.tree.itemWidget(rc, 1)) elif (not self.btn_remove_xaxes_clicked and not self.btn_remove_yaxes_clicked and self.is_selecting): self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Wrong button clicked! Click cancel and use the " "<i>%s</i> button." % btn_y.text(), sw.cancel_button) elif self.is_selecting: self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Done! Click the <i>Remove</i> button", sw.apply_button) elif not self.btn_remove_yaxes_clicked: sw.tree.scrollToItem(rlc) self.show_tooltip_at_widget( ("Click the <i>%s</i> button to select the" " y-axes") % btn_y.text(), btn_y) elif not self.btn_remove_xaxes_clicked: sw.tree.scrollToItem(rlc) self.show_tooltip_at_widget( ("Click the <i>%s</i> button to select the" " x-axes") % btn_x.text(), btn_x) elif not self.is_finished: if self.is_selecting and sw.apply_button.text() != 'Remove': self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Wrong button clicked! Click cancel and use the " "selection toolbar.", sw.selection_toolbar) elif not self.is_selecting: if sw.selection_toolbar.wand_type != 'cols': wand_icon = sw.selection_toolbar.wand_action.icon() self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Select the %s (column selection) mode in the %s " "menu" % (self.icon_to_bytes('col_select.png'), self.icon_to_bytes(wand_icon)), sw.selection_toolbar) elif not sw.selection_toolbar.wand_action.isChecked(): self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Enable the %s selection" % ( self.icon_to_bytes('col-select.png'), ), sw.selection_toolbar) elif sw.selection_toolbar.remove_select_action.isChecked(): self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Enable the %s or %s selection mode" % ( self.icon_to_bytes('new_selection.png'), self.icon_to_bytes('add_select.png')), sw.selection_toolbar) else: self.show_tooltip_in_plot( "Drag a rectangle around the most right line", 1799, int(np.mean( elif not reader.selected_part[ :, 1799 - stradi.data_xlim[0]].any(): self.show_tooltip_in_plot( "Drag a rectangle around the most right line", 1799, int(np.mean( else: self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Click the <i>Remove</i> button to remove the line", sw.apply_button) else: super().hint()
[docs]class DigitizePage(TutorialPage): """The page for digitizing the diagram""" @property def is_finished(self): reader = self.straditizer_widgets.straditizer.data_reader return reader._full_df is not None
[docs] def hint(self): btn = self.straditizer_widgets.digitizer.btn_digitize if not self.is_finished: self.straditizer_widgets.tree.scrollToItem( self.straditizer_widgets.digitizer.digitize_item) self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Click the <i>%s</i> button" % btn.text(), btn) else: super().hint()
[docs] def skip(self): self.straditizer_widgets.straditizer.data_reader.digitize() self.straditizer_widgets.refresh()
[docs]class SamplesPage(TutorialPage): """The page for finding and editing the samples""" @property def is_finished(self): return self.correct_button_clicked and not self.is_selecting
[docs] def activate(self): self.straditizer_widgets.digitizer.btn_edit_samples.clicked.connect( self.clicked_correct_button)
[docs] def deactivate(self): sw = self.straditizer_widgets sw.digitizer.btn_edit_samples.clicked.disconnect( self.clicked_correct_button)
correct_button_clicked = False
[docs] def clicked_correct_button(self): self.correct_button_clicked = True
[docs] def skip(self): reader = self.straditizer_widgets.straditizer.data_reader reader.reset_samples() reader.add_samples(*reader.find_samples(max_len=8, pixel_tol=5)) self.clicked_correct_button() self.straditizer_widgets.refresh()
[docs] def hint(self): reader = self.straditizer_widgets.straditizer.data_reader sw = self.straditizer_widgets esc = sw.digitizer.edit_samples_child btn_find = sw.digitizer.btn_find_samples btn_edit = sw.digitizer.btn_edit_samples if not esc.isExpanded(): sw.tree.scrollToItem(esc) self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Expand the <i>%s</i> item by clicking on the arrow to it's " "left" % esc.text(0), sw.tree.itemWidget(esc, 1)) elif reader._sample_locs is None or not len(reader._sample_locs): sw.tree.scrollToItem(esc.child(0)) self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Click the <i>%s</i> button to automatically find the " "samples." % btn_find.text(), btn_find) elif not self.correct_button_clicked: sw.tree.scrollToItem(esc.child(2)) self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Click the <i>%s</i> button to visualize and edit the " "samples." % btn_edit.text(), btn_edit) elif self.is_selecting: self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Click the <i>%s</i> or <i>%s</i> button to stop the " "editing." % (sw.apply_button.text(), sw.cancel_button.text()), sw.apply_button) else: super().hint()
[docs]class TranslateYAxis(TutorialPage): """The tutorial page for translating the y-axis""" @property def is_finished(self): return self.straditizer_widgets.straditizer.yaxis_data is not None
[docs] def skip(self): self.clicked_correct_button() self.straditizer_widgets.straditizer.yaxis_data = np.array([150, 450]) self.straditizer_widgets.straditizer._yaxis_px_orig = \ np.array([378, 1663]) self.straditizer_widgets.refresh()
[docs] def activate(self): btn = self.straditizer_widgets.axes_translations.btn_marks_for_y btn.clicked.connect(self.clicked_correct_button)
[docs] def deactivate(self): btn = self.straditizer_widgets.axes_translations.btn_marks_for_y btn.clicked.disconnect(self.clicked_correct_button)
correct_button_clicked = False
[docs] def clicked_correct_button(self): self.correct_button_clicked = True
[docs] def hint(self): sw = self.straditizer_widgets item = sw.axes_translations_item btn = sw.axes_translations.btn_marks_for_y marks = sw.straditizer.marks or [] if self.is_finished: super().hint() elif not self.is_selecting and not item.isExpanded(): sw.tree.scrollToItem(item) self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Expand the <i>%s</i> item by clicking on the arrow to it's " "left" % item.text(0), sw.tree.itemWidget(item, 1)) elif not self.correct_button_clicked: if self.is_selecting: self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Wrong button clicked! Click cancel and use the " "<i>%s</i> button." % btn.text(), sw.cancel_button) else: sw.tree.scrollToItem(item.child(1)) self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Click the <i>%s</i> button to start." % btn.text(), btn) elif len(marks) < 2: self.show_tooltip_in_plot( "<pre>Shift+Leftclick</pre> on a point on the vertical axis " "to enter %s y-value" % ( "another" if len(marks) else "the corresponding"), 260, np.mean( elif len(marks) == 2: self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Click the <i>%s</i> button to stop the editing." % ( sw.apply_button.text()), sw.apply_button)
[docs]class TranslateXAxis(TutorialPage): """The tutorial page for translating the y-axis""" @property def is_finished(self): return self.straditizer_widgets.straditizer.data_reader.xaxis_data is \ not None
[docs] def skip(self): self.clicked_correct_button() self.straditizer_widgets.straditizer.data_reader.xaxis_data = \ np.array([0, 70]) self.straditizer_widgets.straditizer.data_reader._xaxis_px_orig = \ np.array([258, 700]) self.straditizer_widgets.refresh()
[docs] def activate(self): btn = self.straditizer_widgets.axes_translations.btn_marks_for_x btn.clicked.connect(self.clicked_correct_button)
[docs] def deactivate(self): btn = self.straditizer_widgets.axes_translations.btn_marks_for_x btn.clicked.disconnect(self.clicked_correct_button)
correct_button_clicked = False
[docs] def clicked_correct_button(self): self.correct_button_clicked = True
[docs] def hint(self): sw = self.straditizer_widgets item = sw.axes_translations_item btn = sw.axes_translations.btn_marks_for_x marks = sw.straditizer.marks or [] if self.is_finished: super().hint() elif not self.is_selecting and not item.isExpanded(): sw.tree.scrollToItem(item) self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Expand the <i>%s</i> item by clicking on the arrow to it's " "left" % item.text(0), sw.tree.itemWidget(item, 1)) elif not self.correct_button_clicked: if self.is_selecting: self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Wrong button clicked! Click cancel and use the " "<i>%s</i> button." % btn.text(), sw.cancel_button) else: sw.tree.scrollToItem(item.child(0)) self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Click the <i>%s</i> button to start." % btn.text(), btn) elif len(marks) < 2: self.show_tooltip_in_plot( "<pre>Shift+Leftclick</pre> on a point on the horizontal axis " "to enter %s x-value" % ( "another" if len(marks) else "the corresponding"), np.mean(, 1662) elif len(marks) == 2: self.show_tooltip_at_widget( "Click the <i>%s</i> button to stop the editing." % ( sw.apply_button.text()), sw.apply_button)
[docs]class FinishPage(TutorialPage): """The last page of the tutorial"""
[docs] def show(self): """Reimplemented to release the help explorer lock""" super().show() self.lock_viewer(False)